King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

band, or company. Christ came up in His, nearly two thousand years ago. The next event will be the resurrec­ tion of those who are Christ’s, at His coming. His coming may be at any moment, “Then cometh THE END” ^(that is the resurrection of those who are not Christ’s), “when He shall have delivered up the kingdom.” The kingdom comes in after the resurrection of those' who are Christ’s, and continues for a thousand years.- At the close of that kingdom, at the close of a thousand years, those who are not Christ’s shall rise. They shall rise, not because He comes for them, but because He summons them, and they shall go forth from His presence worthy only of the Second death from which there is no resurrection. I ts V ita l I mportance 1 Yes, deeply significant is this resurrection of Jesus Christ. It lifts up the symbol of hope, and pours forth as on the lips of angelic choirs, the floods of glad song, but at the same time, it writes gladness on the background of eternal judgment, and says, not one shall fail to rise and pass before Him, and each, through Him, shall give an account of himself to God. How incumbent that we lift up the cross, proclaim the crucified, declare that He is risen and that He comes both to save and judge, and that now, even now, all who believe the testimony of God concerning Him may take part, not in the resurrection of the dead, but in the resurrection from among the dead unto life eternal.

into night, and earth would be like unto an arena for bit­ ter, sunless woe. But blessed be God, no such supposition can arise, but in the vagaries of an ill-sent dream. “For now is Christ risen from the dead.” Faith is not vain; we are not in our sins; we are in heaven before God; we aré one with the King; we are one in His life. He is our life ; we are heirs of His glory; we wait for His coming; we listen for His voice; we shall be caught up to His presence; we shall touch His person, and we shall shine and shine in the end­ less glory, for from heaven He is saying, “Because I live, ye shall live also.” I ts M ea n in g for t h e U nsaved T o the unsaved, to the unbelieving, the resurrection of Jesus' Christ is pregnant with terrific meaning. The first man gives why to the second. The second purchases all that the first man forfeits. He purchases the right of dominion. Dominion over all flesh, over death and life, as Saviour and Judge. And “as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.” All who went down into Adam’s grave, because of Adam’s doom, shall come forth again from the grave, because of the second Adam’s power and right of doom. But, resurrection is of God, and all things of God are in order, hence there is supreme order here. All shall rise, but “every man in his own order,” in his own rank, or

Two New H ymns—Music by Herbert G. Tovey—Words by tb e Dean o f th e In s titu te

Remember Jesus Ghrist. Goncluded.

Remember Jesus Ghrist.

Rev. John M. Mac lnnls. D. Utt.

Herbert G. Tovey


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0 Thou Abundant Life.

Rev. John M. Mac Inni», D. U tt.

Herbert G. Tovey


is the Truth that wings His life in- to a world that erred,Re* o - ver-came the world for usthat we may con-quer all, Re- He Who died and rose a - gain is reign-ing now in pow'r, Re* with them, He will come a - gain in glo -ry and in might, Re-

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And Give Dis Em-

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¡I . v~ International Copyright, 1927. by Heabert G- Tovey

International Copyright,'1927, by Herbert C. Tovey

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