King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

g°” will pass by as unheeded as in the case of the drown­ ing person. But He is not willing that we should perish, so to save us, sometimes affliction is visited upon us, the severity of the blow being entirely proportionate to our need, in bringing us to yield to His sovereignty in our lives. Perhaps you have built up a prosperous business, working hard for years, often seven days a week, depriv­ ing yourself and your family of much-needed recreation, denying your Heavenly Father that day of days, divinely set apart as a day of rest, recreation and worship of Him who gave us .life and all the good things thereof, perhaps never stopping to breathe a prayer of thanks to Him for haviqg so abundantly blessed your efforts—and suddenly, through some miscalculation, some unforeseen set of cir­ cumstances, all is swept away, and you stand there, appalled, wondering, “Why ? What have I done to deserve this?” My friend, let go. Or, perhaps, He steps in and takes that little life, so dear to you that should any human seek to rob you of it you would gladly, unhesitatingly give your last drop of blood to save i t ! And again you stand there, cowed, but rebellious. “God is unjust to take that dear child away from me, when I loved it so. What have I done to deserve such a punishment? I am honest in my business deal­ ings, I live a clean life. Why ?” My friend,— Let go. Still you go on determined to retain your position as pilot, though at times you ask the Heavenly Pilot to guide and bless your plans and efforts, but still hugging to your breast your life ambition and personal desires. T h e S trokes of L ove He, in His matchless love, still anxious to win you and save you, must strike harder! He, who suffered the tor­ turous death on the cross for you, who bore the sins of the whole world, knows just how it will hurt, and knows how to sympathize with you, must be “cruel to be kind” and He steps in and takes that one who through years has stood by your side, has been your helper, your comfort, has shared the joys and sotrows of your mutual life alike, the best friend that God ever gave man—and this time you stand there alone,—again you ask “Why?” And the answer comes, “He that is not willing to forsake house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or chil­ dren, or lands, for my sake, cannot be my disciple!” At last, you sink upon your knees, and cry, “It is enough, Lo rd ! Now I see, the veil has been torn from my eyes, and I realize how I have been ‘kicking against the pricks’, all these years, seeking to go my own way, forget­ ting the Giver of all good, who gave me my life, my suc­ cessful business, my home, my children, my wife, and all, and now has given me a vision of Himself and His desire with me and my life. Oh, I thank Thee, dear Lord, that Thou didst continue to try me, to seek to awaken me, till at last I ‘let go!’ Take me, O precious Saviour, and use . me, sanctify me to Thy service.” Will you “let go,” my friend? Oh, do not make it ' necessary for that loving Saviour to so sorely try you! Say to Him right now, “I surrender all, I am willing to let You direct my life, to use me as Thou seesf best, to devote my money, my thought, my energy, my all to Thee!” and experience a joy that only comes to those who have experienced a full surrender, and who completely and unreservedly have “let go!”

Let Go—Let God! B y H . E. A lm qu ist Minneapolis, Minn. ¥ OU have frequently heard of some drowning go having fallen on deaf ears, even to rendering the vic­ tim temporarily unconscious by a smart blow back of the ear, in order that they might work unhindered, and bring the person safe to shore. Most folks are sufficiently concerned when their phy­ sical lives are in danger; not all, however, are equally con­ cerned regarding their spiritual life. Happily though, there are those who are seeking to save themselves spirit­ ually, groping for' light, for guidance, for peace of mind. It is for them that these lines are written, in the hope that they might be helped to see light through darkness, to catch a glimpse of the nail-pierced hand of the true Guide of life, the One who went down into the shadow of the valley of death, that He might help others, in every hour of trial, in every phase of life, or death. In the hour of perplexity and uncertainty, how we suf­ fer and agonize and even—p ray ! No light, no answer seems to come, and finally in desperation we decide upon a certain course, hoping that all will come out all right. When things don’t transpire as we had hoped, we are dis­ appointed, and wonder why God did not hear our prayers! And all the time, unconsciously, perhaps, we have held on to our own wills and selfish desires, and never fully resolved to let ffoArto give God complete charge of our life and destiny! A C ause of U nea sin ess In this unwillingness to surrender all to Him who made us and has reason to expect perfect obedience, lies the secret of many an unhappy life. Oh, how hard to give up our wills, our selfish ambition for success of a material so rt! But do not begin now to think that the Lord does not intend that we should be successful in our life work, because through the Psalmist He tells us that He shall prosper the righteous man, but He wants us to give over completely to Him that He may the better use us in His service, make our lives richer, fuller, happier. Oh, my friend, Let Go! He who knows the height and depth of joy and satisfaction that comes to those willing to lose their wills, their hopes, their aspirations, ,—yea, even their own lives, if need be, that the Father’s will may be done,-—He, my dear friend, is trying to save you from yourself, and give you such a peace, such a measure of happiness, that through all this life and all the ages to come you will not be able to fully thank and praise Him for it! H e U ses D rastic M ethods It may be the Divine, Saviour of lives will find it neces­ sary to use drastic methods in causing you to “let go.” A life and will given up to material success and personal achievement, with little or no thought of God in the plan, may be so blinded, so engrossed that the command to “Let

person, who, because of frantic terror of death, had so impeded the would-be rescuer’s attempt to save him that he has finally gone down to a watery grave, often dragging his benefactor with him. Men trained at life-saving stations use drastic methods at such times, their command to let

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