King's Business - 1927-04


April 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

her vile names. Tears came to her eyes, and she said, ‘Well, God bless you. Jesus loves you and so do I. Your soul is precious to Him.’ I f God can give one grace to stand all she did, I want to know her Saviour. She has my address, but I told her I would pound her up if she ever came near me again. Please ask her to forgive me and tell her to come and pray zvith me. Tell her I want her Saviour, too, and to come to see me. Assure her all is well.” Thus the sunshine of God’s love, together with the dews of the Holy Spirit, kept the good seed until it sprouted. Why do we not trust Him tb take care of the seed? We read that when Satan sowed the tares, “he went his way” Apparently, he has absolute confidence that what he sows will spring forth. What shame to us whose privilege it is to sow that Word which is “quick and powerful!” • New Work Among Colored People After more than eleven years, the Institute has again under­ taken a work among the colored people. As yet, this is on a very small scale. 'However, we are mindful that Sometimes small beginnings result in great endings, and there is a bright prospect of a good work among these people in Los Angeles. A year ago the colored girls of this Y. W. C. A. asked for a Bible class in order to prepare themselves to help in the Sun­ day schools of their respective churches. Not a person could be found.—even among ministers—who would take up this work. So we feel in starting this class that it is a special leading of the Lord. Miss Carrie Brooks is in charge of these classes. Will you pray that she may be able to start a Bible class in a certain district where there is a home for self-supporting col­ ored girls and where there is no Bible class? W hy N ew M en A re A ssigned Our rule is that these student evangelists must remain in the Band for two full years, but sometimes the men make such splendid progress, and the need of helpers in the local work is so great and urgent that the missionaries beg us to release, the men before the two years have been completed, and also allow them to send two new men to take their places in the Band. We much prefer to have the men fill out their full time, but in cases of real urgency we grant these requests, and we always praise God that the men have made such progress that the mis­ sionaries are eager to have them back as permanent associates in the regular work of the mission station or out-station. This is why we are sometimes obliged, right in the middle of a year, to change the name of a worker who has been assigned to some kind donor at home. This has just happened in the case of our Biola Evangelistic Band No. 10. Two workers, Hsiang Kuang Ming, and Wang Jui Pang were assigned to two donors for support. By God’s blessing the work of the mission in the field where Band No. 10 was engaged grew so rapidly that the mis­ sionaries felt the need of two additional workers at once. They had been watching the development of these two men and they put in an urgent request to us to release them and also asked us to allow them to send two other student evangelists to the Band for training. We granted the request and our two good friends at home have the joy of knowing that their gifts have made it possible for two men to be trained for much needed -

praise and gratitude for the reality of 1 Cor. 10:13 in his own experience, we knelt in prayer and thanksgiving.......... The following night, he saw an auto so parked and unpro­ tected that it seemed to invite him to jump in and ride away to Frisco. He had another big battle and this time after an hour’s struggle, resisted the devil and yielded himself to God. “Don’t ever tell me the Lord doesn’t answer prayer,” he said, recounting these experiences. —o— Biola Convert Bobs Up in Belg ium A recent letter from Ralph Norton, of the Belgian Gospel Mission, has this item: “Mr. Van Goethem, who was converted in your Biola Hall Mission, has been stationed at Huy. You will remember he is a Belgian who was wonderfully saved in your hall. God is mightily using him here. The other night some 20 people, pro­ fessed to accept Christ and the hall is filled to overflowing.” —o— She Got Noth ing B u t Cursesfland Then-------! You gave' your testimony for Christ. In return, you got nothing but sneers and ridicule. You looked to Him to keep you sweet and went on your way. Then the devil brought dis­ couragement. You were led to think your words were worse than wasted. How often the enemy succeeds in depressing the one who has sought faithful! But suppose you got a let­ ter like this one, recently received by one of our Bible women I “I am trying to get in touch .with the young lady whose name is on the enclosed card. God bless her ! She tried to lead me to Jesus. I treated her as mean as I could. I guess she must have been praying for me because I want to get to God. I am perfectly miserable. I even cursed her to her face. I called I N a recent report letter I mentioned the four principal meth­ ods employed by the Biola Evangelistic Bands. Today I want to write of the three main objectives of this work. The first, is wide-spread evangelization, to make known throughout the length and breadth of China as quickly as pos­ sible the wonderful love of God and His gracious plan of sal­ vation by faith in Jesus Christ, this salvation being offered freely to every one that believeth. TJie second objective is instruction, “Teaching them to ob­ serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” The third objective is training for service, developing work­ ers to help the various missions in carrying on the important work of building up the young converts in their holy faith and leading them out into lives of fruitful service. With the last objective in view, when a mission invites us to send a Biola Evangelistic Band into its field, we offer to send a leader and six or eight trained men and we allow the mission to add four or six men from their own church to make up the full number of the Band. These additions are men from among their own local Christians who feel a call from God to do whole time Christian work, but who have had no special training for such work and who are either past the ordinary school age, or for other reasons cannot hope to enter a Bible school. We accept such men as “Student evangelists” for a term of two or more years, and when their course of training is completed we allow them to return to their respective missions for permanent service. •Sie.


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