King's Business - 1927-04


April 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

of the Gospel in words that can be un­ derstood (vs. 5-10). The miracle of these uncultured people speaking in languages they had never learned gave rise to great consternation. “What meaneth this?” (v. 12). Some rash people said: “These men are drunk” (v. 13). The devil always has his mock­ ers on hand to hoot at everything that is above the level of the life of the world. It was at this point that Peter, now filled with the Holy Spirit, rushed to the front. In what follows we have a life- size photograph of the real Peter. He who had-often been impetuous and unbalanced becomes a burning orator with some­ thing in his tone never heard before. We had taken him for a dull student, cer­ tainly not an expositor, yet now without notes, he opens up Joel, goes into the Psalms and expounds the doctrine of Christ from beginning to end. John Wesley, when once passing a mar­ ket with' a friend, saw two women quar­ reling. They were shouting and making wild gestures. ■ “Come away, John,”'said his friend, “I can’t bear to hear them.” “No, wait,” said Wesley, “and learn how to •preach.” Preachers will do well to study Peter and his Pentecost sermon. It is full of the Bible and Christ. This man with th e "smell of :fish scarcely off his hands, preached his first sermon, and there is nothing in the Bible to beat it. ■He goes into the humanity of Christ (v. 22), the miracles of Christ (v. 22), the ascension of Christ (vs. 33, 34), the deity of Christ (v. 36), the gift of Christ, —the Holy Spirit (vs. 33, 38). Note his positiveness. “Men of Israel, hear these words” (v. 22). “Men and brethren, let■me freely speak unto you” (v. 29). “Let all the house of Israel know assuredly" (v. 36). He took good aim. When a preacher or teacher has the “Thus saith the Lord” back of him, he can say something. If he is without it, it would be better to remain silent. It is impossible to thoroughly study the entire sermon in one lesson,: The lesson therefore skips to v. 32 where Peter boldly contends for the fact of the bodily resurrection of Jesus. “This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are wit­ nesses” (v. 32). He was not talking to folks who lived some centuries after the reported resurrection—but to men at that very time who knew perfectly well what had happened. He knew he was relating facts they could not deny. In no other way can we account for his boldness. Without the resurrection there would have been no church. He goes to the Old Testament and brings out David’s resurrection prophecy. It should be clear to all that no kingdom offer could have been made and no Da- vidic throne could be possible until there was a resurrected King (vs. 34-36). The Jesus they had crucified God had shown to be both Lord and Christ (v. 36). “They were pricked in their heart and said, What shall we dot” (v. 37). The heart is the right place to be pricked. “With the heart man believeth unto right­ eousness” (Rom. 10:9, 10). Salvation is a heart affair. A stuffed head will never take a man into heaven. God help the preacher, or teacher, who is careful to speak so as not to disturb consciences. Away with the soothing syrup method. Give us Spirit-filled men like Peter who will declare the whole

any meat?” They answered him, “No.” And He said unto them, “Cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall, find.” They did so and were not able to draw in the net for the great multitude of fishes. Then that disciple whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter, “It is the Lord.” When Peter heard that he jumped into the water and swam to shore; he could not wait for the boat with the others dragging the net of fishes. What do you think they saw when they came to land? A fire of Coals, and fish laid thereon, and bread- Vi O, boys and girls, think of the love of Jesus, who knew how hungry and tired the men would be after their night’s work, and He asked the men to bring some of the fish they had caught.. Then Jesus asked them to come and eat. O, what a wonderful breakfast that must have been! Wonderful because Jesus was there with them. This was the third time He had shown Himself to them since He had risen from the dead.. Jesus could see in Peter’s heart and knew that he was truly sorry he had denied his Lord. While they ate, Jesus spoke to Peter in particular, and three times asked Peter if he loved Him (Jesus).. Each, .time. Peter said, “Yea, Lord, thou:, knowest that I love Thee.” Each time Jesus told Peter to feed His 'sheep, and His; lambs. Jesus wanted Peter to preach the Gospel for Him. Jesus gave back to Peter the care' of His flock (people). (Teach M. If we are truly sorry, Jesus forgives. . —o—■ BLACKBOARD STUDY B y F red S. S hepard F o r g iv e n • OLLOWING ELLOWSHIP The “If” of Christian Fellowship. —1 John 1:7. The sound frorii heaven was an ad­ vance sign of the Holy Spirit’s approach. The tongues of fire were pledges of the conquering might of the Spirit that should attend the preaching of the crucified and risen Saviour throughout the age. Fire is often, in Scripture, the symbol of God’s presence and the power of His truth. “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues” (v 4). It was a special miracle to arrest attention, confirm the promise of Jesus and secure the rapid spread of the Gospel among the different peoples gath­ ered for Pentecost. Thus the Gospel was given a miraculous send-off. The good seed was carried to many parts from which the visitors had come, and a great harvest sprang up in many places. The particular thing to be noticed is that the tongues were understood and the hearers were benefited. It was not a jar­ gon, and those who today have true Pen­ tecostal power will utter the great truths St?

Jesus Forgives Peter John 21 :l-23. •

Memory Verse : “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive.” Psa. 86:5. Approach : Did you ever say or do any­ thing that hurt mother, and then after you thought of what you had done, you were sorry? Dorothy, what did you do?

You put your arms a r o u n d her neck and told her you were sorry. Did you ask mother to for­ give you? What did mother do ? Did she send you away and say she would never love you any more? No, * indeed! She

put her arms around you, or took you in her lap and told you she had forgiven you, and loved you all the more because you confessed your wrong, and were sorry. Prayer. Lesson Story: Last week we learned of the great sin of Peter in denying his, dear Lord. (Review, impressing the boys and girls with the truth of their own weakness and failure, if they trust in their own strength.) Today we are to finish our story, and we are so glad to know of the beautiful ending, for the first part was so sad. How many of you boys and girls ever went on a fishing trip? You likely went for the pleasure and fun you would have to catch some fresh fish to eat. This fishing trip we are to hear about was in the night time, by men who made their living by catching and selling fish. One night Peter ahd five of the other ' dis­ ciples went fishing. This was after Jesus had risen from the dead. They worked all night and. did riot catch any fish. Of course they were disappointed, for they had no fish to sell, and would get no money for their hard labor. When morn­ ing came they saw a man standing on the shore, for the disciples were just a lit­ tle distance from the shore. Then the man said unto them, “Children, have ye


M ay 15, 1927 Peter a t Pentecost Lesson text—Acts 2:12-14; 32-41

'"PHIS lesson is taken up at the point where Peter comes into the Pentecost story. One should carefully read the opening verses of this much misused chapter. Pehtecost me a n s

“fiftieth.” Fifty days after the redemption of Israel from Egyp­ tian bondage, Israel stood at the foot of Mount Sinai, and Je­ hovah made a coven­

ant with them. It was Pentecost. The disciples had seen the Passover ful­ filled in the sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God. The resurrection of Jesus had fulfilled the ceremony of the “wave sheaf” (Lev. 23:10, 11 ; 1 Cor. IS :20) at the close of the Passover celebration. It would be most natural that the disciples should expect some further consummation of the covenant of redemption at the Pen­ tecost season.

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