King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

K i n g ’ s

a thousand deaths in a district not over 20 miles from here where the malaria is raging. The father and mother, of one of our Christians both died in the same week.' Of- all this)-thousand who. died thesè two were more than likely the Only ones who were believers.” MR. and MRS. LeROY DUDROW, ’22 (nee. MABEL GEIMAN), Elmsford, New York,, were looking forward to meeting the Board of Managers of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary So­ ciety ip February, hoping to receive ap­ pointment for missionary service in Ran­ goon, Burma. —o— CLARA L. KUEHNY, ’20, Janjgir, jC, P. India. “Our new church, seating about three hundred fifty or four hundred was dedicated November 28th. It is airy, light, built ori .simple lines, large enough to in­ vite the non-christian and located by the side of the road where many people pass, May the Lord make it a place of bless­ ing to many... . . I went to meet MR. and MRS. J. R. DUERKSEN, (’21 and T9), who landed in Bombay, November 15th, and are how located at Korba for- lan­ guage study. You probably remember CHRISTINA HARDER. We are glad to have them in our midst.” • —o— MÀXINE McNEAL, ’23, Tamenkow, Shantung, China. “I am happy to be here in China. The Lord gives one precious friends among these people. I think the greatest cry- of my life is that I may have ‘an understanding heart’ and be used of Him.” , Friends of Miss ANNA RICHERT, ’26, will bé pleased to know of her recent marriage to Mr. P, C. !Andres, Elbing, Kansas. Congratulations and bèst wishes are extended. o— . EVELYN M. COONS, a former stu­ dent, writes : “The old B. I. ties just seem to hold us together in one big family no matter where we go or what we do. While I am ’taking my junior year here in Ash­ land (Ohio) College, mother and I have been in evangelistic meetings with Evan­ gelist Rev. Thos.. F. Présnell. We just closed two weeks’« campaign in Vander-


A lbert É . K elly , S tudent S ecretary

MR. A. N. WILLEMS, 55 Sacramento St., Santa Rosa, California. MR. CLARENCE H- CHARLTON, 2411 Roosevelt Ave., Berkeley, Calif. MR. LLOYD E. HANSEN, 42 E. Highland Ave., Redlands, Calif. REV. HERBERT H. SKEELS, 3420 Castle St., East San Diego, Calif. —o—: M r . and M rs . R utledge H ome MR. CHESTER RUTLEDGE, ’21, and MRS. RUTLEDGE, (nee Helen Fraas, ’20), are in America after some years of service in China with the Hunan Bible Institute/ They spent some days recently in and about B. I. greeting old friends and making many new ones. At the January report meeting they spoke in interesting fashion of their work and of their joy in the continued progress of the work there. They will make their headquarters for the year in and adjacent to the Bible Institute. —o— NORA E. JORDAN and MAY ROB­ ERTSON, two former Institute students, are now -entirely engaged in the work of giving out the Gospel in the neglected dis­ tricts ¿of California and Nevada. .A re­ cent letter tells how they traveled many miles through the sage brush of the desert to a town where no religious meetings had been held in nine months. No revivals had ever been held in the community. As a result of their meetings twenty persons confessed Christ and many others were blessed. —o— EDITH A GIESBRECHT, ’26, is tak­ ing nurse’s training in the Bethel Deacon- ness Hospital, Newton, Kansas. • -o-- MRS. AM e L ANDERSON,' ’24, Car- upano, Venèz'uelà.'i S. A. “They say that within thè last month there haye been over

: R eport of S tudents ’ L eague At a recent meeting of the Student Association, MR. HERBERT CASSEL brought a very interesting report of the annual conference of the League of Evan­ gelical Students in St. Louis, Missouri, the latter part of November. This League is a group of Christian students with branches in about forty different theolog­ ical seminaries, Bible schools, colleges and universities. It wasi started a year and a half ago to unite (evangelically minded students everywhere in a còmmon corpor­ ate witness to Jesus Christ as God’s only begotten son and man’s only Saviour. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is happy in its relationship' to the League, having one of the branches in our student body. D orothy C ampbell in C hina DOROTHY M. CAMPBELL, ’26, Swatow, China, is working under the American Baptist Foreign Mission So­ ciety.' Her brother DAVID CAMPBELL, ’24, is connected with the China Inland Mission, and is. now at Anking, Anhwei, China. Dorothy and David come from a “missionary family,” so are now returning to tell the “good news.” “Missionary Mis­ sives” publishes an interesting letter from Dorothy, telling of her departure from America, and entrance into China, and we quote two paragraphs : “With the first streak of dawn the next day, Miss Sollman , ahd I were up. We watched the most beautiful sunrise up out of the sea. For about one and a half hours we passed by lovely rock islands, through the Channel and then past Double Island, where I could clearly ;see the house' in which my cousins Zell was born. Be­ fore we turned to go into quarantine (be­ cause of the cholera in Shanghai) we were close enough to Kak-chieh to see an American flag waving from thè Ash­ more house, and could see the roof of the house in which I was born. “Later,- as we neared the docksjSjwe espied the bobbing san-pan, which held those of our missionaries and friends who had come out to meet us. It seemed so good to see them, two of them I had known well as a child and the names of the others were familiar. You can imag­ ine the exclamations as we sized each other up and recalled old resemblances.” —o— B. I. M en W ith A. S. U. The following graduates or former stu-. dents of the Bible Institute are now ac­ tive as missionaries of the American Sun­ day School Union in the Lower Coast District (California, Arizona and Ne­ vada). MR. L. V. GEARY, P. O. Box A, Près- cott, Arizona. REV. ALBERT C. STEWART, 815 E. Helen St., TuScon, Arizona. MR. IRA T. MYRICK, P. O. Box 326, Red Bluff, California. MR. ARTHUR F. WITT, 1119 Morgan St., Santa Rosa, California.

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