King's Business - 1927-04


April 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i ' n e s s

MRS. MARY DIEHL, Evening School, ’24, is doing service for the Lord in Craw­ ford, Nebraska. —o— ALBERT SEIGLE, T4, is now a mem­ ber of the faculty of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Bangkok, Siam. He reports that while there is evident an anti-foreign and anti-Christian spirit man­ ifest, the work has not been greatly hin­ dered. The new Cantonese Church was opened on Christmas morning, and at the evening service there was no room to stand inside or out. B. P. ADAMS, a former student, and his wife are busy with their missionary labors among the Hopi Indians at Po- lacca, Arizona. Progress has been slow from the beginnings; Financial support has been inadequate, but the Lord has been blessing these devoted servants in this needy work. —o— RUTH LONG, *23, is working among the Crow Indians, St. Xavier, Montana; We quote from a letter published in “Mis­ sionary Missives” : “When I returned from a busy, profitable and enjoyable va­ cation I found a wee new lassie, and had the privilege of giving her a name. '. . . Of the many names I. suggested the mo­ ther chose the name ,Eunice. She said, ‘Please pray for us that we may bring her up to good Christian womanhood.’ The mother, Helen, was one of my pupils in school, a very lovely girl. The father is an enterprising, thrifty young man, a follower of Christ.” MR. and MRS. WM. SCHERER (nee ELVA BURNHAM), Bananal, Miranda, Matto Grosso, Brazil, both graduates of the class of 1923: “We do praise the Lord for His continued grace and strength. We thank Him too, for those who are faith­ ful in holding us up in the work and trust that the Lord is sharing with them our blessings.”, They praise God for blessings in the translation work, and re­ quest prayers for the “babes in Christ.” —o— BIRDIE B. GILGERT, ’20, sent out a letter to friends in which she said : “You are invited to enjoy our Radiola 20 with us. You do not seem so far away when we get Hastings, Nebraska, from which station the reception is full and clear. We have heard many splendid programs. Last night a few of the Indians came to listen to the music, which they love. They can keep one up half the night playing for them while they learn new songs. One evening before Christmas many gathered during a heavy rain to hear ‘The Mes­ siah,’ ” Miss Gilgert is at San Miguel, Sells P. O., Arizona, working under the Board of National Missions of the Pres­ byterian Church in the U. S. A. —o— DOROTHY M. THOMPSON, ’22, is Secretary of the Junior Red Cross at Pasadena, California. A note of praise can be offered for the complete recovery of her mother from a serious accident from which she suffered months ago. —o— JAMES W. BLACK, ’20, is working at Fossil, Oregon, in a territory that is very needy, being mostly a cattle and sheep

work with the Africa Inland Mission, Ki- jabi, Kenya Colony, Africa. Mr. Ander­ son, since his coming to the Bible Insti­ tute in September, 1923, has been quite active in all the work of the Institute. During 1925-26 he was Assistant to the Superintendent of Men. During the lat­ ter part of 1926 he was engaged as sec- cretary to Superintendent, Charles' E. Hurlburt. In addition to other duties, he was for two years and a half student nurse for the men. His work in Africa will be with the Rift Valley Academy, the school for missionaries’ children. His family have been in Glasgow, Scotland, since 1924. Mr. Anderson will stop for them on his way to the field. We wish them God-speed on their journey and God’s best blessing on the mission field’. ANNA THIESSEN, 608 Mountain Ave., Winnipeg, Canada. She says the Lord has been very good to her and she is very happy in her work. She is engaged in work among girls in Winnipeg. The work is growing so that the Lord has sent her a helper. Some of the girls live right in her home, and others make it their headquarters, and visit there when they are off from work. On Thursday evenings they have a meeting in the church, something like Lyceum Cl ub. Most of the girls are Christians and de­ light in studying the Word. They have about 70 in attendance. To become a member of this club one must read the Bible every day, pay 5 cents (which is used to buy flowers or fruit for the sick) each month, and visit, if time permits, a sick or old lady, or girl, or child. They have their own Bible women in India and last year raised $189.28 for missions. A number of girls have accepted the Lord as their Saviour. —o— MARY A. BISHOP, Box 74, Guate­ mala City, Guatemala, Central America. “I now have 327 members in the Pocket Testament League. ■Only wish I could give more time to it. We could easily have a thousand members. I hope soon to have a special meeting established for the members. I could tell of many interesting incidents in connection with this work, Had I time. A number have accepted Christ because of it—others have signed up without accepting, and many believers speak of new blessing in their lives since reading God’s Word daily and always having the Word with them.

country, of hills and mountains, and small towns many miles apart, with rare oppor­ tunities of hearing the Gospel. “I am to go to the coast, 290 miles from here, in February, to conduct a special meeting, a town near many needy lumber camps and mill towns.” MARY N. SPOONER, ’17.'^Am still doing office work and teaching at Toccoa Falls Institute (Georgia), and learning new lessons in the School of Christ as the days come and go. I am realizing as never before the possibilities in the prayer life, and have an intense longing to pre­ vail in prayer as never before.” —o— CANDACE P U ’F F ER, ’22, Linary, Tenn., requests . special prayer for the young people with whom she is working. “Satan is very busy, but we believe Eph. 3:20 holds good.” SAMUEL ANDERSON, ’25, left Los' Angeles the latter part of' January for his

All By Lucille «Almanrode, ’26 Child, let thy weary brain have rest; From care be free: I had not where to lay My head, And thou hast Me. What goodness for thee I have bought,. What sorrow borne; What patience fo r thee I have wrought: Co not forlorn. Incline t h y listening ear, dear child, Unto My call: R e s t on My breast t h y weary head, In Me find all. C opyrirht 1927 B y H arris K. E vans , P rinter

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