King's Business - 1927-04


B u s i n e s s

April 1927.

T h e

K i n g ’ s

"The greatest tool ever placed in the hands of God’s people So writes Rev, W. L. Pettingill, D.D., well known Bible teacher, regarding TheScofield Reference Bible Edited by Rev. C. I. SCOFIELD, D. D. A ssisted b y E m inent S cholars

Some Sartling Figures B y D r . A. T. S chofield '

Out of 1,000 Christians: 695, or nearly 34 were converted under 20 . 208, or Ys were converted between 20 and 30. 69 were converted between 30 and 40. 19 were converted between 40 and 50. 6 were converted between 50 and 60. 2 were converted between 60 and 70. 1 was converted between 70 and 75. 1000 This suggests that if conversions are. not to take place’ amongst young people, three-fourths of the present Christians might not be Christians at all. . As we look more closely at these fig­ ures, we shall See how remarkably the spiritual unfolding coincides with- mater­ ial changes. Amongst girls the awaken­ ing or arousing to a sense of heed of salvation and of entrance into a higher life, in fact the real opening of the mind to spiritual realities, takes place mainly from 10-16, amongst boys 14-16; and this awakening takes place as" a rule a year before conversion. Conversions anlongst girls áre as fol­ lows:-—For every-40 at sixteen we get 36 at thirteen, and 12 at twenty, and 5 at nine and twenty-four. That is to say, conversions at 16 are more numerous than at 13, and three times as numerous as af 20. They are also eight times a's numer­ ous at 16, as at 9 or 24. In other words, the age of most conversions is undoubted­ ly that of fully-developed puberty. Amongst boys, for 40 cases at sixteen we get 13 cases at thirteen or twenty, and 4 cases at nine and twenty-four, and conversions are rare after thirty. Here again the dawning manhood is the period for conversions; these being three times as numerous as they are four years sooner or later, and ten times as numerous as eight years sooner or later; while at double the age they hardly occur at all. There can be no doubt whatever that the most common time for -conversions is 16 or thereabouts; and there can be little doubt that- the period chosen for confir­ mation has some connection with this. Spontaneous awakenings and conver­ sions, that is, apart from external agen­ cies, are most common at 15. In conversion the influence of the home life is more marked in boys than girls; though in girls, also, home influence is the most common cause. Next to home the influence of friends is the greatest cause, and next to that the Church or ministry. Girls suffer in the deep effect on their emotions more at, the time than young |

Chapter Sub-Heads

(Chain Reference^


Summaries of Great Bible Truths'

Helps at the Hard Places

FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES Printed in two sizes of type, all styles being page for page the same. Handy Size— Minion black-faced type. Size 7x4% inches. Larger Size— Brevier black-faced type. Size- 8%x5% inches. Handy Size Larger Type No. Price No. Price 40 • $1^5 Cloth, postage extra................... 90 $2.75 50 .2.50 Cloth .............................................. 70 3.25 51 5.00 French Morocco, lim p.-............... 71 6.00 53 5.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit 73 6.50 59 7.00 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit leather lined to edge............... 79 8.50 Oxford India Paper Edition 53x 7.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit.. 73x 9.00 55x 8.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit. leather lined ......................... -.. 75x . 10.00 5Sx 8.50 Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined.. 78x 11.00 59x 9.00 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge................. 79x 11.50 10.50 Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed.. 85x 12.75 68x 13.00 Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed.......... 88x 16.50 Interleaved Edition 265x 16.50 Real Morocco, divinity circuit. calf lined to edge, silk sewed ... 285x 19.00 With Concordance, etc. 153 6.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit.. (White Paper) ......................... 173 7.50 153x 8.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit.. 173x 10.50 155x 9.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined ..........|................. 175x 11.50 158x 10.00 Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined.. 178x 12.50 159x 10.50 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit. leather lined to edge................. 79x 13.00 165x 12.00 Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed. . . . . . 185x 14.75 With Cyclopedic Concordance 353 7.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit.. 473 8.00 Oxford India Paper Edition 359x 11.00 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit leather lined to edge, silk sewed 479x 13.50 With Dr. Torrey Helps 50T 2.75 Cloth ................................................ 70T 3.50 Oxford India Paper Edition 65xT* 11.00 Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed.......... 85xT 13.50 Thumb index on any style, 50c extra.

T h e Indispen sab le Bible fo r all C hristian P eop le Y ou d ou b tless h ave one or m ore B ibles now , b u t if y o u are w ith o u t a co p y of the Scofield R eference B ible, you lack the on e ed ition th a t m o st Bible stu d en ts say is th e b est o f all. T od ay w e a ll realize th e need o f th e very b est guid an ce in the understan d in g o f th e B ible. W e feel th at w e o u gh t to know th e B ible b etter so th a t w e m ay b e able to understand how to liv e the b est o f w hich w e'a re capable. Exclusive F eatu res th a t A d d Imm easu rab ly to B ible Interest In th is, th e fam ou s Scofield R eference Bible, th e ex clu siv e Scofield helps, w hich are found in no oth er Bible, appear on the p age w here needed. T h ese con ven ien t­ ly arranged h elp s d eal w ith su ch p ra c­ tica l su b jects a s, W as m an “created ” or “ev o lv ed ” ? A re m iracles con trary to reason? H ow do w e know the B ible is in ­ spired? and m any oth ers o f a sim ilar nature. H ave you a broad grasp o f th e various b ook s o f th e Bible, th eir them e, th eir h is­ to rica l background, th e period o f tim e th ey cover? A b rief sy n o p sis and a n a ly ­ sis a t th e b egin n in g o f each b ook in the Scofield R eference Bible afford s a p a n o ­ ram ic view th a t is w onderfully illu m i­ natin g. C hapter sub h ead s show a t a glan ce th e su b ject m atter of th e p ara­ graphs. A unique to p ica l ch ain-reference sy stem m ak es p o ssib le th e finding o f all related p a ssa g es. T h e te x t itself is the A uthorized V ersion. F R E E The Story of the Bible A n in terestin g a cco u n t o f th e S tory of the B ible is con tain ed in “T he Bible R eader’s C om panion” a s w ell a s a read­ in g cou rse coverin g th e B ible in one year. B ible cu rio sities, and m any oth er v a lu ­ able featu res, sen t free w ith each cop y of th e Scofield R eference Bible.

O xford U n iv ersity P ress A m erican B ranch, D ep t. 20B 35 W est 32n d St., N ew Y ork C ity

G entlem en: Y ou m ay sen d m e Scofield R ef­ erence B ible N o..........and “The S to ry o f th e I B ible,” for w hich I enclose........'.................D ollars If I return b oth b ook s in a w eek m y m on ey w ill be refunded. Name.

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