King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

men. Of course, in all statistics and in all religious education, the needs and con­ ditions of each personality must be taken into account. I can only give the general result, which must not be too closely pressed, for we have many “Samuels” and not a few “Philippian gaolers ;” so that it must not be supposed on the one hand that there must be no thought of God till one is 16; nor on the other that there is no hope afterwards. I may say that not only the brain and emotions are very unstable in youth, but that it is a period when all external influ­ ences a re ’most, ¡active, for good or evil. How ifnportaht it-is/ then, th’à't these be pure and spiritual ! Minimum of Discomfort Rev. J. A. Shirley, of Pasadena, Calif., tells how a pioneer who has traveled ex­ tensively the trails of Yukon once said to him: “There are always: many discom­ forts on the trail, but I rather pride my­ self that I know how to travel with the minimum of discomfort.” “The minimum Of discomfort,—that thought comes back to me over and over again,” says Mr. Shir­ ley.' “To know how to travel the trail of life with the minimum of discomfort is a great achievement, particularly if a man is willing, as this veteran of the trail was willing, to share his knowledge and ex­ perience with his fellow-travelers. The man who has learned how to travel the way of life with the minimum of dis­ comfort has learned a great deal, and when he is willing to share his experience with others he becomes one of the most desirable of companions on the trail. “When we come to an obstacle on the trail what do we do ? Do we complaini.ngly make a detour,: or take down our load and crawl under or oyer the obstacle, re­ load our pack and go on our way faster if possible to make up for the time that we have lost?, Or do we set about to re­ move the obstacle so, that others who come after us may find the traveling easier ? “When we reach the end of the trail, when the day comes that we no longer travel the paths of earth, what will the comment be? Will those who have trav­ eled with or near us give an inward sigh of relief and say, ‘Now that he has gone perhaps the traveling will be a little easier and smoother for the rest of us?’ Or will they say, ‘We have lost a good friend and companion on the trail, one who was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need’?” Here’s the Test of Growth Dr. Bonar once remarked that he could tell when a Christian was growing. In proportion to his growth in grace he would elevate his Master, talk less of what he was doing, and become smaller and smaller in his own esteem, until, like the morning star, he faded away before the rising sun. Jonathan was willing to decrease that David might increase; and John the Baptist, showed the same spirit of humility.

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