King's Business - 1927-04

April 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Be Courteous T HE following quotation from one of the British papers is a practical illus­ tration of Paul’s great statement that “love never faileth.” “Be courteous. I am thinking at the moment of something even more imme­ diate than that. I am thinking of what an enormous influence for good would be let loose in our general life if we all re­ solved during this new year to be gentle and courteous, and in the details of our daily life to maintain a persistent friend­ liness and self-suppression if need be. We know that the best machine in the world will heat and jam and be destroyed if the axles are not oiled, and how one drop of oil adds to the sweetness and efficiency of some mighty wheel. “Well, that is what,' in a word. I should give as my counsel to myself and to those who are on the look-out for some new formula for life. “One day, the story goes, a young lady, turning a street corner, ran into a ragged little boy and almost knocked him down. ‘I beg your pardon, my little fellow,’ said the lady. ‘I am very sorry that I ran into you.’ ‘You can have my parding, miss, and welcome; and the next time you run against me you can:’:knock me clean down and I won’t mind 1’ “This is the sort of thing which solves more problems than any act of Legisla­ ture.” &£> 8ai> Intellectual Difficulties It is related of Napoleon that when Marshal Duroc, an avowed infidel, was once telling a very improbable story, giv­ ing it as his opinion that it was true, the Emperor quietly remarked, “There are some men who are capable of believing everything but the Bible.” This remark finds abundant illustra­ tions in every age. There are men all about us, at the present day, who tell us they cannot believe the Bible but their capacities for believing any and every­ thing which seems to oppose the Bible arc enormous. The greediness with which they devour the most far-fetched stories, the flimsiest arguments, if they only ap­ pear to militate against the Word of God, is astonishing. The Routine of Life Rev. Don Shelton gives some helpful thoughts on the “routine life.” Routine, and the schedule it involves, he says, is an accelerator of industry. Usually the day that is carefully planned is the day of maximum achievement. It was John Wesley’s methodical habits which, in large measure, accounted for the breadth and vastness of his achievements. His unprecedented career was guided and sus­ tained by his undeviating purpose to set apart a definite time daily for prayer and meditation. His systematic provision for daily renewals accounts for his undimin­

ishing freshness and vivacity. His daily withdrawal for communion with God pre­ vented the wings of his soul from being clipped by exhaustion. The Christian worker like Wesley, who, by daily, sys­ tematic waiting upon God replenishes his spiritual strength, is able to work on hap­ pily and productively as long as his phy­ sical and mental strength endure. It is through a well-arranged routine that time, that “irrevocable talent,” is husbanded and fully utilized. The hap­ hazard worker does not produce up to the maximum of his ability. Those who wait for a favorable mood for work before they make a beginning are often spendthrifts of time. Dogged still does it. Those who begin because they should, "generally con­ tinue because they would.

WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS*BIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING Containing References, a Concordance and the most authoritative Aids to Bible Study. P rin te d in B la c k Face Type» B e a u tifu l B in d in g s. Sendfo r Illustrated Catalog THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Publishers Am erican Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA

SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is b ein g done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E v a n g elists and Bible W om en w ho are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a w eek, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite R ev. H. A . B arton, S ecy., B ox B, 473 Greene A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y ., for free literature.

“Christian Life” Series SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON HELPS Orthodox Practical Unsectarian QUARTERL IES FO R T EA CH ER S AND SCHO LAR S ILLU STRA TED PA PE R S FO R T H E SCHOO L A d a p te d to m e e t the n e ed of every d e p a rtm e n t of th e school. T h ese period icals con tain an am azing am o u n t of S criptural re ad in g m a tte r. F u n d am en ta lly Sound. D ispensational D istinctions M aintained.

P ractical S upp lem en tal W ork. EXAM INE THEM FOR YOURSELF. A Sam ple P ack o f th e Full L ine S ent FREE on request.


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The Western Representatives of “Christian Life“ Series: THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. MINISTRY OR SERVICE?

E x c e p tio n a l V a lu e A most appropriate Bible for gifts to Scholars with helps, questions and answers. No. ,68 — Genuine Leather, Mo-- rocco grain, divinity circuit, round corners, red un- ( der. gold edges, title v' stamped' on back in pure gold . With .32 full-page color illus­ trations. *2—

The casu al reader— u nfam iliar w ith th e Greek o f th e N ew T estam en t m an uscrip ts— w ould lo g ica lly gath er from th e 1st T im othy, 1:12, a s ren­ dered in older v ersion s— th a t P au l’s reference w as to th e ordained M in­ istry , w ould he not? A nd y et, how com p reh en sive— how all in c lu s iv e - how universal— is th e incom parably m ore a ccu rate rendering o f th a t im ­ p ortan t v erse in the Kelson


(E d ited by Am erican heviaiun Com m ittee)

when Paul gave thanks for his appointment to Service. Let us be sure, there­ fore, that in our reading we do not miss the true significance of these important passages, by using the marvelously clear and authoritative text of the American Standard Bible. The American Standard Bible text has been adopted by all leading Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and Bible Schools through­ out the United States and is used by over 13,000,000 scholars from which to study -the International graded, or other Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible is a guarantee of the ,best character of printing, binding, paper, as well as of the latest and best translation. Two hundred styles of binding and ten sizes of type.

N ELSO N B IB L E S In all sizes, types, and styles of binding are ob­ tainable wherever Bibles are sold. FREE BOOKLET A charming 36-page book­ let entitled “ The Wonder­ ful Story" published at 10c per copy, telling how the B i b l e came down through the ages, and containing many facts of vital Interest, will be sent FR E E on request to any­ one mentioning T H E KING'S BUSINESS.


385D Fourth Ave., New York

Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me F R E E copy of your book entitled "The Wonderful

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