King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

A pril 10. “Purge me . . . . wash me.” — Psa. 51:7.

“Best" Books onThe Cross and The D eath and Resurrection o f Christ In the Cross of Christ I Glory By Homera Hodgson To say that this book is unique is to state the case only in part. Every Christian realizes to some extent the im­ portance of the cross, but few are aware that it has been stamped on the heavens, the earth, and mankind itself. That the cross of Christ was in no sense an afterthought with God can scarcely be doubted after reading this book. Many curious illustrations have been gathered from natural science, all showing the way the cross has been stamped on the creation. The book is beautifully bound, and will make an admirable gift book. Cloth $1.50

THE processes are not identical, nor are their purposes the same. The purging with hyssop involved the sprinkling with blood, and signified the application o’f the atoning sacrifice as a token of the forgiveness of sin; the washing was by water in order to cleanse from the gathering defilement of sins. So must we be sprinkled with “the precious biood of Christ,” that the guilt of our sin may be done away; so must we be washed with the water of the Holy Ghost, that we may be purified from the foulness, of our daily transgressions. The one process ;fs; instan­ taneous and complete; the other must be continued So long as we are upon earth. Once sprinkled with the atoning, blood, we need never, pray for a fresh application (unless,-indeed, we have be­ come wilful backsliders) for all our sin—past, present, and future alike—is covered by the one sacrifice of Calvary. It only needs that We should be made partkkers of its benefits, and that once for all. But we get our feet-defiled continually as we pass along the world’s highways; Forgiven we already are, but we are not clean in our Father’s sight; the stains of our earthliness/and our iniquity must be washed in the Laver of God’s Holy Word, through which the Holy Spirit exercises His cleansing power. To be “whiter than snoyf” should be the constant yearning of every forgiven heart; nor need we sigh for it in vain. A pril 11. "Wilt thou not deliver, my, feet from falling t ’WiPsa.i 56:13. ■DAVID had been in, danger and now,, in the cave of Adul- lam, he is singing the praises of his Deliverer. But there is a fly in the pot of his ointment; he remembers with shame how, in the hour of his mistrust, he has played the fool, (see Jan. 8). The thought comes home to him with bitterness that his conduct has been unworthy of a child of God and of the King of Israel, and he cries out: “Thou hast delivered my life from death; wilt thou not (also) deliver my feet from . falling ?” To be merely alive may be only a disgrace; to walk uprightly and fearlessly before men is to fulfil our destiny and bring honor to our God. The heart that is aflame with love to the Divine longs for something more than bare safety; it longs to ;be glor­ ified and glorious -that, in its turn, it may glorify' Him. It desires, not only to escape death, but that it may “walk before God in the light of the living” (i.e. in the sight of men). Let all such hearts be comforted by the result of David’s prayer : “Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” (Psa. 116:8). Well has a more modern poet added: “Therefore to Thee my feet shall run ;

The Cross in Faith and Conduct B y Gordon W a tt In every a sp e ct of th e Lord’s life the cro ss w as seen. It w as the cen ter o f H is earth ly ex ­ isten ce, th e goal of H is life, and becam e th e crow n o f H is m ission . Such is th e grand fashion in w hich G ordon W att ap proach es the d iscu ssio n of th e C ross. T he au thor’s p en ­ etratin g in sig h t in to th in gs spiritu al and h is a b ility to a p ­ p ly im p ortan t C hristian truth to everyd ay life* is ea sily seen in th is excellen t book. C loth $1.00

The Meaning of the Cross

B y R ev. G ordon W a tt T he m eaning o f the cro ss— w h at an arrestin g th ou gh t I D o w e und erstan d the d eep est m eaning o f th e cross? The author has given u s nine stu d ­ ies sh ow in g th e m eaning of .the C ross in th e Old T estam en t, in th e G ospels, in th è E p istles, and in th e R evelation, and m aking clear its central place in salvation , v icto ry , pow er, and service. Y ou ou g h t to ow n th is book. C loth $1.00

What Does the Resurrection of Christ Mean to Me By F. E. Marsh The resurrection, is it fact or fiction? What does the resurrection mean? What depends on the resurrection? What is secured by the resurrection? These and many other questions are answered by this competent and deeply spiritual author. Read this superb contribution to the important doctrine of the resurrection. It will drive away doubt and warm the heart. Cloth $1.00 The Resurrection of Jesus B y James Orr The Day of the Cross By R ev. W . M. Clow The d evou t reader o f th is Volum e can n ot b u t be thrilled, fed, quickened, and com forted. T here are tw en ty -six d is­ T his book is m arked b y th e sam e a b so lu te m astery o f h is su b ject d isp layed b y P rofessor Orr in h is iorm er n otable books. D ipping deep in to a ll sou rces of know ledge o f h is difficult s u b j e c t , review ing fu lly th e field of p a st d iscu s­ sion , exam ining w ith every critica l facu lty aw ake all th e evidence, he lifts the w hole sub ject in to a clearer ligh t. C loth $1.50 B y Jam es Stalker, D . D. In th is splendid b ook w hish h as lo n g been con sid ered a s a stand ard in C hristian D oc­ trine, th e au thor w ith h is u s ­ ual clarity, h as d ealt w ith the aton em en t first from T he New T estam en t S itu ation , clearly sta tin g th e fa cts a s recorded, Then he p roceeds to p resent th e Old T estam en t preparation. T hen he eiid eavors to harm on ­ ize th e tru th w ith th e id eas and sym p ath ies of th e p resen t tin\e, in the th ird lectu re w hich is called “T he M odern J u stifica tio n .” C loth $ ll5 0 T his, th e g rea test them e in th e w orld is treated in an able and deeply sp iritu al m anner. Dr. M afsh n eeds n o in trod u c­ tion to our readers and in th is Unique volum e h e h as g a th er­ ed and m ade liv e m ahy fa cts and th o u g h ts concern in g th e atonem ent. In a w ay entirely his ow n, th e author treats?*- in th e variou s ch ap ters “W hy D id C hrist D ie,’* ‘*The M eaning o f C hrist’s A tonem en t,” “S er­ v ic e and G hrist’s A tonem en t,” “Sin and C hrist’s A tonem en t.” Secure th is w orth w hile v o l­ um e. C loth $1.25 If m oney d oes n o t accom p an y 6rder, good s w ill be sen t C. O. D . If g ood s are to com e by m ail add 10% for p ostage. cou rses, all rooted in th a t orte suprem e d ay; w ith very u n ­ com m on g ra sp an d p en etra­ tion , th e au thor seem s to m iss no in cident nor its sign ificance. H is w ords are th e sp eech of a m an w ho h as probed th e deep secrets o f life, and has h im self trod th e th orn y w ay. E very p a g e m akes con scien ce sm art and is tender w ith fu n g en t a p ­ peal. C loth $1.75 Why Did Christ Die? B y F . E. M arsh The Atonement

Mine eyes on Thy perfections gaze; My soul shall live for Thee alone; And. all within me speak Thy praise.” m A pril 12. “The water in the bottle was spent.”—Gen. 21:15

HAGAR is in despair because the water in the bottle is spent. There is, as she imagiives, nothing but d e ^ i for her and f

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angelas, Cal.

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