King's Business - 1927-04

April 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

if not, then “by hook or by'crook;” but in any case succeed, or you will assuredly fail. All hail to the reaper who brings in the sheaves (even if he. has filched them from his neighbor’s field) ; away with the man who >comes home without them, though he has travelled far and sought diligently and long. So it is here:; so it shall not be at the Last Day. Take heart of grace, poor empty handed toiler! Thy Lord hath been looking at thee; He has seen thy faithful drudgery ; He has heard thy sighs over the non-success of thy efforts; He knows that thou hast striven to do thy best, and whether that best be fruitful or whether it be otherwise He will,say to thee: . “Well and faithfully done! Enter into my- joy and sit down on my throne.” WE are all Authors: day by day we are writing, making our mark, in the lives and characters of those amongst whom we live (as.well as in our own) and indicting a record in the Book of God’s Remembrance. Pilate would not alter what he had written, we cannot; for good or evil the writing remains, and will remain, however desirous we may be of amending the record. We are writing, not volumes at once, but page by page,, para­ graph by paragraph, nay, a letter at a time. Our every act, thought, word, leaves its impress behind it—'careless, forget­ ful, oblivious as we may be of the fact. Though some of it may perchance be ultimately erased by the mercy of God, much of it is indelible and eternal; and we can never tell upon which of our words or deeds the most lasting, and the most tremendous issues .'hang. How .amazed, how appalled many of us would be if we could read the inscription of .some of our most careless hours! Yet they' may be read, perchance will be, not alone by us but by assembled-angels5;and men. On the other hand in what radiant characters of unexpected glory will some of our forgotten deeds of :kindness, self-sacrifice, of self-negation, shine forth before, our astonished and delighted eyes! How great the respon­ sibility of this inevitable authorship; well may we daily pray for grace that, by God’s help, we may write only such things as are “lovely and of good report,” such things as shall bless and strengthen and purify and heal. . ¿g A pril 19. "The word of our God shall stand for ever.”—Isa. 40:8. IT has been well said that “the Bible is like a solid cube; when you have overturned it, it remains exactly as it was before.” All the ages through, men have been attacking the book, seeking to discredit it, to mutilate it, to adulterate it, to destroy i t ; and all their labor has been in vain: they have disproved nothing, added nothing, subtracted nothing. Like a cube of solid rock it remains just what it was before. And so it shall ever remain: ‘•‘the word of the LORD endureth for ever.” This is one of the strongest evidences of its Divine origin: no mere human volume could have successfully withstood such onslaughts as, the Bible has done. Upon this Word, then, we may safely rest our feet. Here is the unchanging certainty “’mid all the changing scenes of life,” the undecaying foundation, set firm amidst the sinking sands of earth. It is the Word of God, therefore it is immutable; it is the Word of “our” God, therefore its promises and its com­ forts are ours. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth” : the Lopes of our earlier years perish one by one; the friends whom we have.known and loved are cut down by the chill blasts of death; but here we stand secure and unmovable, in calm and A pril 18. - "What I have written I have written.’’—John 19:22.

“Best” Books f°r Sunday School Workers Every one im po rtan t “Special Days” in the Sunday School By Marion Lawrence The well-known Sunday school expert has prepared a new handbook hardly second in importance to that of “How to Conduct a Sunday School.’* Abounding in prac­ tical suggestions as to how to select the “Special Days, how to celebrate them and how to make them profitable, it will also help many perplexed superintendents to elim­ inate many of them of questionable value. Cloth $1.25 Bible Drills B y H erbert M oninger A n a lm o st indisp en sab le 500 Bible Story Ques­ tions and Answers B y Sam uel S coville, Jr.

b ook for teach ers and sup er­ in ten d en ts and Bible stu d en ts. It con tain s over 750 carefully selected q uestions and a n ­ sw ers, coverin g th e im p ortan t p oin ts o f th e en tire Bible. C loth 50c A Top Notch Teacher B y R ev. A . H . M cK inney The teach er w ho th inks him ­ self to b e below par in certain requirem ents for teach in g w ill find su g g estio n s for th e co r­ rectiv es in th is m anual. A good teach er w ill d isco v er in it m uch th at w ill in sp ire him to m ore effectiv e effort. A p oor teach er o u gh t to b ecom e a m uch b etter tea ch er’ a fter stu d y in g its p ages. C loth $1.50 Primary Worship Services

Q u estion s of real valu e for hom e and cla ss stu d y in b rin g­ in g ou t som e o f the lesser know n in cid en ts of th e Old T estam ent.___________ P ap er 50c The Teacher Training Class and How to Conduct it B y Sm ilie F . K earney T eachers a n d Superinten­ d en ts w ill find th is book a helpful trea tise on a m ost im ­ p o rta n t su b ject. It is a co m ­ p reh en sive statem en t of tested m eth od s b y one w ho is n o t a m ere th eorist, b u t w ho has faced and solved th e problem s o f w hich sh e w rites. C loth 75c

B y Im ogene H um phrey H ere is a b ook o f th e ty p e for w hich elem entary w orkers are co n sta n tly look in g. It sup p lies a program for each m onth. There are sea so n a l ad ap tation s, so n g s su itab le for th e Prim ary children, Scripture selectio n s ad apted to th eir n eeds, poem s for th em to m em orize, m otion exercises, m ission ary in stru ction , w elcom e to new pupils and stran gers, b irth d ay su g g estio n s, flag sa lu tes— in fa ct, everyth in g th a t th e teach er and sup erintendent o f th e Prim ary cla sses m ay need. C loth $1.50 The Sunday School and the Home B y Frank L . Brow n Bible Alphabets and Memory Work

C om piled b y A lan S. P earce A co llectio n of drills for u se in th e hom e, Sun d ay-sch ool d epartm ents, sup erin ten dents’ platform drill, B ible cla sses, d evotion al periods, p r a y e r m eetin gs, s u m m e r B i b l e sch o o ls, and religious d a y sch o o ls. P ap er 25c Cradle Roll Lessons B y M rs. L ou ise M. O glevee A b ook for th e C radle R oll cla ss of th e B ible sch ool and for little children in th e hom e, con tain in g a program fqr every Sunday in th e year, including th e Bible story, a finger-play, handw ork, p ictu re and cu t-o u t su g g estio n , and so n g s— b oth w ords and m u sic. C loth $1.50

A thorou ghly p ractical d is­ cu ssio n of the proper relation ­ sh ip b etw een th e hom e and the S u n d ay-sch ool, w ith defin ite plan s for creatin g and su sta in ­ in g th a t relationship. • P ap er 50c Recitations and Dialogs for the Sunday School B y N ettie L.. B erghouse A new b ooklet o f sp ecial valu e to teach ers and w orkers in th e S un d ay-sch ool. It co n ­ s ists o f a variety o f recitation s and d ialogs th a t are esp ecially d esign ed for u se in sp ecial- d ay exercises— days su ch as C hristm as, E aster, M others’ D ay, C hildren’s D ay, T hanks­ giv in g , etc. P aper 25c Church School Leadership

B y W . E dw ard R affety E d itor o f “ The Intern ation al Journal of R eligiou s E ducation ’* A n O fficers’ M anual of P ra ctica l M ethods for W orkers in the C hurch’s Sunday, W eek-D ay and V acation S chools. No featu re o f church sch ool a c tiv ity h as been overlooked. O rganization, ex ecu tiv e leadership, child-k n ow led ge and su p er­ vision , records, finance, p ub licity, w orship, m u sic, evan gelism , m issio n s, com m u n ity service, recreation, sp ecial days, p h y sica l w elfare, etc., are am on g th e su b jects su ccessfu lly handled. C loth $2.00 If m oney does n ot accom p an y order, good s w ill be sen t C. O. D . If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for p ostage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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