King's Business - 1927-04


April 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

A pril 27. “The dumb spake." — Matt. 9:33

“Best” Books — Books th a t Exalt Christ Jesus O u r Lord How Jesus Won Men By Rev. L. R. Scarborough Jesus was the model for the soul winner. No matter where he went he found opportunities for this service. He did not require a Church or even a congregation, but as ,he walked among men he touched and changed lives. It is the method of Jesus which the distinguished evangelist discusses in this book. He shows him in his relation to many and varied types of people, and also as an organizer of an evangelistic band. It is a book which every evan­ gelist, lay or ordained, will want to own. Cloth $2.00 How to Bring Men to Christ B y D r. R . A . T orrey Put God First

BECAUSE the dumb devil had been cast out of him. Would to God it were cast out of every man today. There are many Christian people who are afflicted with dumb devils where their Master is concerned. They can talk politics, or commerce, or sports, or fashions, or domestic economy—nay, alas 1 some of them can talk scandal—but they cannot talk about Jesus Christ. They are “too shy,” or they “have no time,” or they “lack opportunity.” They will gossip with you for an hour on any other topic, but mention Him and they have a pressing and im­ mediate engagement. They will chatter to all and to sundry about every conceivable thing from year’s end to year’s end, but they have not a word to speak for their Master and their King. It is a sad affliction, and one to be deeply deplored. Such men miss one of the greatest privileges of being, and at the same time fail to accomplish the highest purpose of their redemption —which is to glorify God and help to save mankind. “I believed,” says the Psalmist, “and therefore will I speak:” they believe yet they speak not. If, by any chance, we are possessed with a dumb devil, let us pray Christ to cast it out today. We dis­ honor Him and wrong our fellow men when we fail to bear our testimony to His love and power. IT is not necessary; nor is it wise, to be always talking religion. To do so is to fall into the other extreme {see Apr. 27), and is only less fatal than to be possessed with a dumb devil. Our speech is to be “seasoned with salt,” but men do not want the salt cellar emptied over every dish. True, all our conversa­ tion is to be governed and moulded by our Christianity, but the man who cannot open his lips without a pious platitude, or a religious phrase, becomes a terror even to his spiritual com­ panions, and disgusts the worldling rather than attracts him to Christ. To be ever on the watch for the golden opportunity and to seize it promptly; to know the time to speak and the time to be silent;! that is the highest wisdom. Such opportunities never fail to come to those who look for them, and the Word spoken in due season; “ how good it .is" none can tell. Many a man has been scared from Divine things by well-meant, but ill- timed appeal or rebuke ; many a sinner has been made, first to think, and then to pray, by the. word fitly spoken, at the opportune moment, by some wise and gracious soul. We are not to cast our pearls before swine; they will turn and rend u s: it is worse than useless to be always pouring heaven’s treas­ ures at the feet of the scoffer and the unbeliever; he will only mock and blaspheme. WHAT a striking and singular phrase ! We often think of the perils of darkness, of its dulness, of its inconvenience; we look upon it as the emblem of trouble and of death; but has it ever struck us to speak of its treasures? Yet treasures are to be found even in the dark. There is the treasure of rest, cessation from the busy strife of existence; the treasure of sil­ ence, when the sable wing of night brings a hush upon the dis­ cordant sounds of earth; the treasure of refreshment and re­ newal, when “God giveth His beloved sleep.” Without these things, did we but realize it, life would be impossible. So also there are treasures in that other darkness which is not physical, A pril 28. “A word spoken in due season.” — Prov. 15:23. A pril 29. “The treasures of darkness.” — Isa. 45:3.

B y Burke Culpepper A m ong th e you n ger genera­ tion o f Southern preachers Dr. C ulpepper hold s a forem ost place, and ju dgin g th e m an by th ese serm on s he d eserves th e rank he hold s. T h ese serm ons, nine in num ber, are excellent, lo v in g m essa g es o f salvation . Sim ple in sty le, earn est in m e­ thod, th ese are helpful reading and I am sure w ere forceful, c o m i n g from th e livin g preacher. A s he is only fo rty - five w e exp ect m any years y et for th is son o f the south . The L ord b less him abundantly. _______________________C loth $1.50

T h is is one o f th e m ost p rac­ tica l b o o k s on P ersonal E van ­ gelism th a t h as ever been w ritten . T he au thor first sh ow s the general con d ition s o f su c­ c e ss in b rin gin g m en to C hrist. H e then m akes p ractical s u g ­ g estio n s concern in g different m eth od s for begin n in g the w ork, and follow s th is b y liv e m eth od s for d ealing w ith a v a riety o f cla sses o f people. P ap er 35 c, C loth 75c

Jesus, The Prophet, Priest, King This remarkable series of sermons— regarded by many as the best ever preached by Dr. Torrey—give a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ which is unique, taking up the prophetic aspect from the Old Testament, including His incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection. The priestly aspect of our Lord during the present dispensation. The kingly aspect setting forth His reign during the mil­ lennial period. Paper 35c, Cloth 65c Mastered Men B y F. A . R obinson Endued to Win

B y L . R . S carborough A n exceed in gly helpful v o l­ um e to a ll th o se w ho know , love, tru st, honor and seek to ob ey th e Lord Jesu s C hrist, and w ho h ave a soul lon gin g for th e w inning o f th e lo st in eVery land. Dr. Scarborough in th is unique volum e has show n in Book I. ‘God’s Spirit a t w ork, W inning Men.” Book II. d eals w ith "C hrist’s Church a t W ork W inning the L o st” and in Book III. “ Indi­ vid u als a t W ork W inning the U n saved .” R ead th is b o o k th a t y o u m ay b e endued to w in. C loth $1.75

V ivid, ab sorbin g tales o f th e W est and the sa lv a g in g o f m en am ong thè broken d rift­ w ood o f hum anity. T he far W est is full o f m en w ho have been broken in the stru ggle, w ho h ave follow ed to o ea sily in th e b eaten p a th s. Into the liv es o f th ese m en the G ospel com es like a d raft from th e fou ntain o f you th. It is a hearten ing and m o v ­ in g b o o k . It w ill b rin g cou r­ a g e and hope to th o se w ho read it and aw aken in their h earts a deeper p a ssio n to share in G od’s great m ission to m en. C loth $2.00

Every Member Evangelism

By J. E. Conant, D.D. Once in awhile a book appears that will mark an epoch in the lives of those who grasp its message. Dr. Conant’s is such a book. It is supremely important for every pas­ tor and church worker to graps its message, especially during this pre-easter drive. This book is more than a treatise upon “Personal Work.“ It is a monumental milestone in the Christian literature of this period. If every pastor and three church meembers in each church in the land were provided with this book and mastered its contents, such a revival would probably result as North America has never seen. Cloth $1.50

If m oney d oes n o t accom p an y order, good s w ill b e sen t C. O. D . If g ood s are to com e by m ail add 10% for p o sta g e.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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