King's Business - 1927-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1927

the darkness that is full of sorrow and of pain. There is the treasure of faith, which can only be exercised when we cannot see; the treasure of the Divine sympathy, a jewel that shines only in the dark; the treasure of patience, learned while we are waiting for the coming of the day; the treasure of hope, a hope “that maketh not ashamed.” “By these things,” also, “men live,” in the highest sense of the term; but they were unattainable did we always walk in the noonday of an unclouded sun. When we sing our Te Deum hereafter for the blessings of our earth life, we shall praise Him not less for “the treasures of dark­ ness” than for the glories of the light. A pril 30. “As thy days, so shall thy strength he.” — Dcut, 33:25. NOTi‘‘as thy years” nor even “as thy weeks,” but as thy days.” God does not give us strength for a lifetime, nor yet for the morrow, but only for today. Grace is like the manna which fell in the wilderness, it must be sought afresh each morning; the present supply is but sufficient for the present needs. Men worry about meeting the hour of death, forgetful that what they have to do j ust now is to live; when death comes, God will give them dying grace, but not before. People wonder how they are to meet the temptations and difficulties that await them with tomorrow’s sun, oblivious of the fact that it is with the temptation (or perplexity) that God is able to “make a way to escape,” not in advance of it. “Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you” is an excellent adage to remember, but it is better to recall the Divine promise “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” It is no vain pledge: many a child of God can write against it (as the old lady did in her Bible) “T. P.” i.e. tried and proved.

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The Dynamic of Service

By Paget Wilkes This remarkable work comes from the pen of one who has known service in its most exacting forms; and more­ over of one who has discovered the inwardness of such service and found its dynamic in Christ. This volume is an ordered study of its subject, with abounding illustra­ tions. The chapters on Idolatry, The Sense of Sin, and Salvation are illuminating in a special degree. The pages are eminently practical, and a large amount of personal experience has been embodied in every chapter. Cloth $1.50 The Virgin Birth B y F . P . R am say Holy Places and Precious Promises

“None is like Jeshurun’s God; So great, so strong, so high” ;

moreover there is none so wise and good as He. When He starts fitting the back to the burden, the grace to the day, there will be no undermeasurement, but rather, in every case, an over­ plus of strength.

B y R ev. L . R . Scarborough A series o f serm on s b y Dr. Scarborough w hich describe his person al experien ces in the H oly Land. W ith vivid fir st­ hand d escrip tion s o f th e land w here Jesu s lived and w orked and died, he groups th e p re­ cio u s prom ises w hich are a s ­ so cia ted w ith th e sacred p laces. The reader w ill find h im self ca tch in g th e au th or’s spiritu al en th usiasm a s he review s the scen es dear to a ll C hristian h earts, and h ears again the M aster’s w ords o f lo v e and pow er. _________C loth $1.60

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M ay 1. “Prove me.” — Mai. 3:10.

OF all teachers, experience is the best. If we would be cer­ tified of the truth of God’s promises, the surest way is to prove them. “O, taste and see how gracious the Lord is,” is the only really effective answer to the querulousness of unbelief. “Come and see,” said Andrew to his brother who doubted if any good thing could come out of Nazareth. That way, and that way only, lies assurance as regards God’s power and willingness to bless. Let go the anchor which moors you to earth’s possibilities; drift out, rudderless if needs be, upon the boundless sea of the Divine provision; take God at His word; say “If I perish, I per­ ish,” but “though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him” ; '■“Venture on Him, venture wholly; Let bo other trust intrude” ; prove Him, try Him ¡.“taste and see,” whether He be Faithful and True, or no. The man does not live, has never lived, who ever regretted this whole-hearted and complete dependence upon God, nor will you. “Experience will decide How blessed are they and only they, Who in His truth confide.”

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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