King's Business - 1927-04

THE ROMANCE OFRELIGIOUS NEWS P e o p le a r e ta lk in g a b o u t one o f th e m o s t b r illia n t, re a d a b le , s ign if ­ ican t, a n d b ro a d ly com p reh en s iv e d e p a r tm e n t s o f re lig iou s jo u r ­ n a lism ev e r o f fe red to th e C h r is tia n pub lic . It is th e S u rv e y o f R e lig iou s L ife a n d T h o u g h t ” w r i t te n e v e ry m o n th b y E rn e s t G o rdon , th e son o f th e la te D r. A . J. G o rdon , a n d a u th o r o f th e b io g ra p h y o f h is f a th e r w h ich is a l ite ra ry an d sp ir itu a l classic. Mr. Gordon is a H arvard graduate hold ing stanchly to the fundam en tals of the Christian faith. He is an exceptional scholar, a wide traveler who has lived for fifteen years in Europe, and an able w riter. Reading or speaking the languages of France, G ermany , Italy, Scandanavia, Holland, Russia, and Spain, he keeps in close touch w ith the literature and periodicals of Europe, as well as the mis­ sion fields of the whole world, and is thus equipped as few are to furn ish this un ique and broad Survey. You will find in this Survey the latest flaming sign of Christian advance in some fo rgo tten corner of the world. You will find the dark side as well, in the expo­ sure of false religious cults and va ry ing forms of unbelief.

This W orld Survey appears exclusively in


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Mr. Gordon also w rites the Missionary W atch Tow e r” for the Times, cover­ ing the most conspicuous events in the foreign mission fields of the world. „ The Sunday School Times gives you a dozen unusual helps every week on the In terna tiona l Uniform Sunday School Lessons; tells how the ablest Sunday- o \ school workers are getting results in their own schools; gives you the latest news of archeology, world surveys of religious life, sane study of Bible prophecy, discrim inating book reviews, and a wealth of other help for Christian life and service. Subscription rates $2 a year, o r • » X $1-50 in clubs of five or more copies, either to separate addresses or to one address. 25 cents w ith the coupon KB427 m V ,

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