Connector for profile 80x40 10C8040SP
Profile 47x47- connecting 10D14747SP
Connector for profile 80x80 10C8080SP
Connector for profile 45x45 - edge 10CX4545SPR
4x 2x
Rectifications and wheels
Rectification into the profile 30x30 (*high adjustment) 10C3030REK (30 x 30) *14–32 10C4545REK (45 x 45) *10–28 10B4545REK (47 x 47) *10–28 10C8080REK (80 x 80) *13–32
Connector for profile 45x45N 10CX4545SPN
Blind plugs 10C3030ZA (30 x 30) *5 10C4545ZA (45 x 45) *5 10C4747ZA (47 x 47) *5 10C8040ZA (80 x 40) *5 10C8080ZA (80 x 80) *6
Connector for profile 45x45 - steel 10CX4545SP
Wheel without brake for profile 45x45, 47x47 19A0KOLS45 Wheel with brake for profile 45x45, 47x47 19A0KOLS45B Wheel without brake for profile 30x30 19A0KOLS30
Connector for profile 30x30 10CX3030SP
Wheel with brake for profile 30x30 19A0KOLS30B
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