Area and items in the airport that tests have revealed have the highest presence of viruses: seating area armrests, escalator and stair handrails, luggage trolley handles and item trays at the security checkpoint. These are in addition to, of course: toilet lids, locks, and flushing buttons in the washroom both in the airport and the plane itself so keep that hand sanitizer handy. Once you make it through the airport and get on your plane, arrive at your destination, take the taxi to your hotel and make it up to your room your job is not finished.
A little dry after you travel, and looking to have a glass of water, well reach for the plastic sealed drinking cups. They may look cheap, but they offer more germ protection than the fancy glasses. Industry investigations have found that some hotels don’t follow health codes when cleaning glasses. The glasses should be cleaned in the dishwasher and sterilized and these same studies have found that some workers didn’t replace glasses between guests; they only wiped them down, sometimes using the same rag used to clean the bathroom. So, if you see fancy glasses when you get to your room, go to the front desk and swap those germ-infested glasses for some cups wrapped in plastic. I hope that these tips help you when travelling and keep you healthier during the cold and flu season when you are travelling for business or pleasure.
Do you ever think about the cleanliness of the hotel room where you’re staying? Well you should.
Most hotels do a decent job with housekeeping. However, certain spots in a room collect more germs than others just from frequent use. Housekeepers get busy and sometimes things can get overlooked. So, keep these things in mind when you get to your hotel room and it might even be a good idea to pack some disin- fectant wipes in your suitcase.
First of all, check your hotel bed for bugs, this is a must on any trip, no matter where you stay.
Did you know that although the sheets are changed daily, that bed spreads are not usually changed between guests with some industry experts claiming the bedspreads may only get washed and changed out about four times a year. So, take that bed spread off the bed immediately. Once that is done, get out the disinfectant wipes in your suitcase and give the TV remote control a good going over. Everyone touches this thing, so it’s no wonder it’s full of germs. In fact, many studies have shown that the remote control is the dirtiest thing in a hotel room so, wipe that thing down before picking it up and using it! This is also the same for the hotel phone in the room, and the Hotel Information and Menu Folder as many guests use these so, make sure that you give it a wipe down also.
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