PARTNERING WITH FIRSTCLASS HEALTHCARE Transforming Inmate Healthcare at the Henry County Jail
In 2024, the Henry County Sheriff’s Office initiated a public request for proposal (RFP) to identify a qualified medical vendor committed to delivering exceptional care. After a rigorous and competitive evaluation process, we are proud to announce the onboarding of our new medical provider, FirstClass Healthcare. Their dedication to excellence in patient care and their belief that "all people— regardless of their legal status—deserve high- quality and humane medical care" have already yielded remarkable results.
NOTABLE IMPROVEMENTS IN CARE DELIVERY FirstClass Healthcare's diligent approach to assessing, diagnosing, and prescribing care has been transformative, enhancing medical coverage and outcomes. A significant milestone of this partnership is the 21.95% reduction in internal Chronic Care Clinic visits. By providing effective in-house care, the need for external clinic visits has decreased, streamlining treatment and reducing associated costs. Additionally, internal Urgent Care Clinic visits have decreased by 20.75%, reflecting more effective management of chronic conditions and proactive care strategies. This reduction alleviates the burden of extended hospital stays on deputies and staff while ensuring that patients receive the care they need without unnecessary delays.
The new contract with FirstClass Healthcare includes the addition of physicians, Licensed Nurse Practitioners, a new Director of Mental Health, and Behavioral Health Counselors. These critical additions enable 24-hour medical and mental health coverage at our facility, ensuring that inmates receive timely and appropriate care around the clock.
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