HENRYHIGHLIGHTS Notable Highlights in 2024 for Henry County Sheriff's Office Court Operations PREPARING FOR THE UNTHINKABLE Active Shooter Training at Henry County Courthouses
In 2024, the HCSO Court Operations team hosted a comprehensive active shooter training at the Henry County Superior Courthouse. This event brought together local first responders, the District Attorney’s Office, and civilian courthouse staff to enhance safety and emergency preparedness. The training, based on the “Active Attack Integrated Response” framework, combined classroom instruction with a full-scale simulation of scenarios such as active shooter incidents, hostage situations, and medical emergencies. Participants practiced real-time responses, gaining critical skills to handle high-stress situations effectively. Additionally, civilian staff received CPR and fire suppression training, further equipping them to respond to emergencies. This initiative highlights the HCSO’s commitment to creating a safer courthouse environment and ensuring a coordinated response to potential threats.
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