October 2022 - Biigtigong Current

GREETINGS FROM THE PIC RIVER APS DETACHMENT! Submitted by Cst. Jolene Michano During the months of August and September the Pic River detachment responded to 60 calls for service varying from Community Services, R.I.D.E initiatives, Property Checks and Criminal Investigations to name a few. If you require police assistance please call 911 or 1-888-310-1122. For non-police matters please call the Pic River detachment at 229-2242. Staffing The Pic River detachment consists of the following staff:


Cash BINGO Saturday, November 5 Doors Open at 12:00 pm @ Biigtigong Community Center Community Astronomy Night Saturday, November 5 6:30 - 9:30 pm @ Biigtigong Community Center Elder's Social & Photo Session Sunday, November 6 12:00 - 3:00 pm @ The Turtle Lodge

Sgt. Warren Bouchie (temporarily off until December 2022) D/S/Sgt. Tony Hanson

Cst. Andrew Kreidl (Month of November A/Sgt) Cst. Jolene Michano (Month of October A/Sgt) Cst. Chris Palmer( Month of September A/Sgt)

Cst. Braiden Michano Cst. Dawson Nootchai Court Administrator Erin Shaw

In August of 2022 the Anishinabek Police Service welcomed our new Chief Jeff Skye with a swearing in ceremony held on September 1, 2022 in Sault Ste. Marie. On October 17, 2022 the Pic River/Pic Mobert Cluster would like to welcome our newest officer Cst. Dawson Nootchtai. (photo from L -> R Cst. Nootchtai and Chief Skye) On August 23, 2022 Cst. Jolene Michano and Cst. Palmer along with Pic River Volunteer Fire Department and Marathon EMS hosted a First Responders Day with the youth from day camp. The youth were shown live demonstrations from the various responders and provided with swag. A BBQ was also held for those in attendance. This opportunity gave the youth an opportunity to meet various responders and learn about their jobs in a calming environment and not just when needed. (photo of group) On August 31, 2022 all female officers within the Anishinabek Police Service were gifted a ribbon skirt in lieu of their #1 dress pants. A ceremony was held for all female officers on August 31, 2022 at Headquarters in Garden River. (photo courtesy of Sgt. Bressette).

Remembrance Day Friday, November 11 @ Biigtigong Community Center

REMINDER Email your important dates to: cassandra.cress@picriver.com

With Halloween approaching please make sure your children are visible and wear some type of reflective clothing. There will be many little ghosts and goblins on the road, so please use caution and drive slow. Stay Safe!


October 2022

The Biigtigong Current

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