Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201901

Karen Gillespie Karen claims she was too busy with 'life' and didn't have (or make) the time to build a business initially. She always had an inner 'yearning' to help people, and Melaleuca's mission aligns with her ethos. Karen's WHY is to provide financial security to her 9 year old son, Mitchell. She would like Mitchell to have more opportunities and understands that with residual income, she will be able to achieve this. Karen conducted her first in-home overview on the 12th of October with the support of her Enroler - Senior Director 3, Hayley Harding. 7 people attended of which 5 Enroled on the night and the other 2 customers Enroled the following weekend. Karen introduced Melaleuca to 10 customers in October 2018, double advanced to Director 2 in October and received a total cheque amount of $1,009.55. In November, Karen shared Melaleuca with 10 more customers and achieved 20/20 club, where she received a $700 bonus. Karen is now working towards a goal of Director 3 by helping people discover Melaleuca.

October 2018: $1,099.55

November 2018: $1,300.59


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