Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201901

1850 Tobacconists are one of the first shops established on the goldfields in Victoria. 1900 Dr Harry Brookes Allen, Professor of Anatomy and Pathology at the University of Melbourne, noted that the number of deaths attributable to oral cancer rose significantly within 30 years. 1945 World War II gave cigarette smoking a boost and consumption had peaked during that period. 1950 First clear and unequivocal evidence of the links between smoking and lung cancer, as proved by Sir Richard Doll and Sir Austin Bradford Hill and documented in the paper: Smoking and Carcinoma of the Lung. 75% of Australian men and 25% Australian women were smokers at this time! 1973 Health warnings first mandated on all cigarette packs in Australia. Gough Whitlam of the Labor Government implemented a ban on direct tobacco advertising on radio and television. 1979 US Surgeon General's report noted that in the 15 years since the first report, more than 30,000 scientific papers provided further irrefutable evidence on the negative health consequences of smoking 1986 Report was released from the National Health and Medical Research Council: Effects of Passive Smoking on Health (1986). 1990 After intense lobbying by a range of health promotion groups, led by Cancer Councils across the country, the Tobacco Control Act 1990 came into force to regulate the sale and promotion of tobacco.


CIGARETTES became popular for both men and women in the 1920s. By 1950, around half the adult population smoked—consuming nearly 400,000,000,000 cigarettes per year. Cigarettes were advertised as refreshing and relaxing—even healthy. Ads picturing “tough guys” from Air Force pilots to race car drivers gave smoking an aspirational, masculine image. At the same time, glamorous models and actresses implied cigarettes were a key element of their feminine mystique. As the evils of smoking became better known, courtroom wars raged as tobacco brands fought liability lawsuits—the science was inconclusive, they argued. Millions of smokers became collateral damage to their greed.

https://www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au/appendix-1/a1-6-history-of-tobacco-in-australia/a1-6-timeline.html http://www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au/fandi/fandi/c03.htm https://www.acosh.org/law-policy/wa-tobacco-control-legislation/tobacco-legislation-and-policy-timeline/


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