Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201901

What’s a mum to do? Theories abound on why flu and cold viruses strike every

Everyone dreads the colds and flu that arrive with cold weather. It’s as if every virus, bacteria, and germ in the world packed their little bug bags and trav- eled to your house on the first brisk breeze. You can almost predict their arrival to the day, bringing misery into your happy home.

be to stay indoors all season where it’s warm. Turns out that is not a good solution at all! Why? Because studies also show that staying in- doors with the windows cozily closed means you’re more likely to breathe recirculated air already inhaled and exhaled by someone who has a virus, especially in crowded spaces like classrooms. Worse, central heating causes a drop in air humidity, which is linked to influenza outbreaks! You end up back where you started, wonder- ing how you can possibly help protect your family from colds and flu. Thank- fully, Melaleuca has the answer!

winter, but they aren’t very helpful for deciding how to best protect your fam- ily. For instance, studies show the flu virus thrives in cold temperatures, and cold viruses flour- ish as winter air cools the nasal passages and hinders the mucus from getting rid of the viruses. So one would think a sensible solution would


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