How to recruit an Apprentice: A step-by-step guide
Option 1 – We recruit for you
Step 1:
Get in touch with us, discuss your business needs and hear about how we manage the recruitment of the apprentice for you We will create a job description for your specific role needed, then once approved by yourself we will advertise the vacancy
Step 2:
Option 2 – Recruit an Apprentice yourself We will agree how we can support you in recruiting an apprentice Step 1: We will interview your candidates to check suitability (this may be from a candidate you have put forward yourself) Step 2: Apprentice is chosen and your normal recruitment process takes place Step 3: We will screen all applicants and those meeting your requirements will be interviewed by us and then sent to you for your own recruitment process Step 3: Once a candidate is chosen, contracts are written and the apprentice will start Step 4: Once the apprentice begins, you will be allocated a specialist account manager to support you throughout Step 5: Once the apprentice begins, you will be allocated a specialist account manager to support you throughout Step 4:
Bespoke pre-training available to support candidates
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