King's Business - 1962-12

The most widely known reference Bible in the English Language THE ScqfiM REFERENCE BIBLE This work o f reverent scholarship is acknowledged to be one o f the most helpful annotated editions o f the K ing James Version ever published. For clarity, simplicity, and

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A Child’s Prayer Am id a World o f Turmoil

Thou that once on mother's knee Wert a little one like me, When I wake, or go to bed, Lay Thy hands about my head; Let me feel Thee very near, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear.

And the lambs outside the house; Now Thou art above the sky; Canst Thou hear a baby cry?

Thou art nearer when we pray, Since Thou art so far away; Thou my little hymn wilt hear, Jesus Christ, our Saviour dear, Thou that once on mother's knee, Wert a little one like me.

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Once wert Thou in cradle laid, Baby bright in manger shade, With the oxen and the cows,

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May the peace and joy of Christ be your portion at this Christmas season

The King's Business

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E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Louis T. Talbot Chancellor

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DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two

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Vol. 53, No. 12

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home Mu A CH ILD'S PRAYER FOR A WORLD IN TURMO IL ..................... 3 COMM ERC IALISM A N D CHRIST — William Ward Ayer .......... 8 THE MESSAGE OF THE MANGER — Don Hillis ...................... 9 THE PRODIGAL RETURNS — Jeanette Acrea .......................... 10 A CHR ISTMAS TEAR — Melvert Byers ................................... 11 A TREASURY OF CHR ISTMAS VERSE ..................................... 12 THE ANGEL'S CHORUS . . . THE TRUMPET SOUND — Robert R. Brown ............................. 14 BORN IN DAV ID 'S ROYAL C ITY — Harry A. Ironside ......... 15 GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD — Samuel M. Zwemmer ............ 16 GETTING READY TO MOVE — Jack Hardin ............................ 17 IS CHASTITY OLD FASHIONED — Dale Oldham ..................... 18 BUT . . . THESE ARE A NECESSITY — Fred D. Accord ............ 20 JUST LIKE M A M A — Romayne Allen ..................................... 22 W H Y SHE WEPT — R. A. Torrey ............................................ 23 IS T IM E RUNN ING OUT — Arnold D. Ehlert .......................... 25 TOM M Y 'S CHR ISTMAS LIST — Martha S. Hooker ..................... 42 THE CHR ISTMAS TREE THAT W A S TOO LARGE — Philip H. Richards .......................................................... 43 THE CHRISTMAS STAR .......................................................... 43 SOULS SAVED AT SEATTLE — Aina Dahlstrom ........................ 46 Feotu/ica A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ........ 6 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................. 28 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ................................ 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ............................ 31 CULTS CRITQUE — Betty Bruechert ....................................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ......................................... 34 THE CHR IST IAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ....................... 37 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry .............................. 38 SCIENCE AN D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 39 THE CHR IST IAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................... 40 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ............... 41 A LUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey .......................................... 45 (cianiti HOM ILETICAL HELPS ............................................................ 2’ TOWN AN D CAMPUS .........................................................- 44 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ......................................................... 48 — All Rights Reserved —

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“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.. . . And all went to be taxed, every one to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out o f the city o f Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (be­ cause he was o f the house and lineage o f David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” —LUKE 2:1-6


A nd she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their s in s” —MATTHEW J:21 Long centuries have come and gone since the decree of Caesar Augustus made necessary the trip o f Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. The names o f the Roman registrars are unknown—unimportant. They had no reason to ex­ pect anything o f that little baby, whose name would never be remembered. Caesar Augustus and Cyrenius are very largely just names, even for students o f his­ tory. But to millions and millions of believers the world over, the Name of the Lord Jesus is known. “Name, please?” do you inquire? The Name is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and the Coming King!


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"For unto us a Child is born . . . and His name shall be called Wonderful . . .” Isaiah uttered these words seven hundred years before the birth o f Christ actually occurred. O f course the Gentile world knew nothing about this prophecy and the Jewish nation paid no attention whatever to it. That marvelous statement was lost in the great book o f Isaiah. The people o f those centuries between the time o f its utterance and the fulfillment little realized that one day these words would stand out in bold relief as one o f the magnificent pronouncements concerning the person and work o f the coming Messiah o f the Jews and the Redeemer o f the world. "H is name shall be called Wonderful.” This phrase, as it is used in connection with the Lord Jesus Christ, must be understood in the absolute sense. N o one could be truly wonderful. In what ways is our Lord wonderful? First, He was wonderful in His birth. It is impossible to explain the strange interweaving o f Deity and humanity into the one Person o f our Wonderful Lord. N o one can explain how it is that the in­ finite God could become incarnate in human flesh and at the same time be very God o f very God and very man o f very man. W e cannot understand it because our minds are finite and we are deal­ ing with an infinite subject. It is enough to know that it is true because God’s W ord says that it is true. When the Babe o f Bethlehem was born on that Christmas Day so many centuries ago, there came into the world in human flesh the Second Person o f the Trinity, to live with men as a man, to experience all o f the sinless infirmities and frailties o f the human race and to be even tempted in all points "like as we are” without, o f course, sinning Himself. Again, He was wonderful in His life. He went about doing good. A t the conclusion o f thirty-three years o f life on this earth, no fault could be found in H im by either foe or friend. He pre­ sented to the world the only perfect life — a life so perfect that the

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intervening centuries o f time have only served to deepen its glow. He did nothing but good in His life; His deeds were all to help those in need. He cleansed the leper; He raised the dead; He restored the sick to health. He said nothing but good in His life. The words that He spoke were quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. He spake not as an ordinary human being, but as one with divine authority. The common people heard Him gladly; the re­ ligious leaders o f the day were utterly confounded whenever they encountered Him. Then, Christ was wonderful in His death. N o man ever died as did He. He did not deserve to die; but He tasted death so that through faith in Him, we might never know death in the eternal sense o f the word. For death, in God’s Word, means everlasting sep­ aration from God. Being infinite, in His death He could do in an instant o f time what a finite being could not achieve in an eternity. Therefore, when He cried out from the cross, "M y God, why hast thou forsaken me?” He was completing in that moment what no human being could ever accomplish. He was buried, but all the power o f the Roman government and all the power o f Satan and the hosts o f hell could not hold H im captive in a grave. He came forth victorious over death and the grave. And because He lives we too shall live. Christ was wonderful in His resurrection. N o man ever rose from the dead in the manner in which the Lord Jesus Christ did. H u m an beings were brought back to life by God’s power, but they died again. Christ’s resurrection was unique in that He arose never more to die. Finally, He is wonderful, too, in His coming again. The Lord Jesus Christ will return! As surely as the sun rose this morning, so surely the Lord will come again. This He promised to do. " I f I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also” (John 14 : 3 ) ; "This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen H im go into heaven” (A cts 1 :11). Wonderful, indeed, is this One whose birthday we celebrate each year on December 25. May the living presence o f the Lord o f glory fill the hearts and lives o f all who name the name o f Jesus Christ. In this way it will be far more than merely a "Merry Christmas.” It will be a happy and holy Christmas!


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T he first Christmas began with the joyous song of the angels, “ glory to God in the highest! and on earth peace to men of good will.” To a blighted world like ours the realization that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life should lift our spirits out of life’s shadows into the sunshine of God’s love. But for millions of Americans Christmas has become madness. The jangle of Christmas music and glare of Christmas lights, leave us with an aching void in our souls. That which is basic in Christmas is fast disappear­ ing in America. People plod the streets wearily to buy their customary gifts. The thought of the Unspeakable Gift, our Lord Jesus Christ Who was given to us and to the world as Saviour and coming King on the first Christmas morn, is nearly obliterated. The 8th Chapter of Luke tells the story of great crowds following our Lord. It was the popular period of His min­ istry. He raised a young girl from the dead. He had stilled a great storm at sea, and the popularity of Jesus had as­ cended to its zenith. The crowds thronged about Him at

indulge yourself until you are surfeited and every high desire is crushed under the tons of possessions. Advertisers gleefully declare that America is exper­ iencing a revolution in self-indulgence. People who used to say, “ I mustn’t waste my money on that,” are saying, “Why shouldn’t I have it?” All of this is bringing the curse of inflation which robs the Kingdom of God and hinders the salvation of souls. Oh that I had the voice of thunder to shout this truth into the ears and hearts of the multitudes of our land and say, “ Stop jostling Jesus; bow in His presence; touch Him. He alone can save this world from the awful horror which seems just around the comer — and He (done can save your soul eternally!” The ship of our civilization is wallowing badly in the high seas of world intrigue. Can she survive? Those who command the ship seem powerless because many have rejected the Christ of Christmas. Don’t jostle Christ — appropriate Him! The Christmas throngs need to touch Jesus! Let us return to the woman who touched the hem of His gar­ ment. Jesus said, “Virtue has gone out of me.” No virtue



by William Ward Ayer

every public appearance, pushing Him around rudely. But one shy woman crowded close to Jesus and prayer­ fully and purposefully touched the border of His gar­ ment. Immediately her physical affliction, an issue of blood, was staunched. Jesus said, “Somebody has touched me, for I perceive that virtue has gone out of me.’ And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before Him, she declared unto Him, before all the people, for what cause she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said unto her, ‘Daugh­ ter be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole. Go in peace.” Today Jesus is jostled in the Christmas throngs, and only those who touch Him by faith are blessed. But the crowds love falseness, and the greedy merchants, backed by Madison Avenue’s fabulous and often false advertising, complete the pagan debauch. The prodigality of this generation mocks the Christian philosophy of denying oneself material things that one might be strong in spiritual things. Today’s appeal is to

goes out of Jesus by merely brushing by Him carelessly; but when there is a touch of faith, something happens! I am so glad to proclaim at this Christmas season that we have a Christ Who can be “ touched.” The writer of Hebrews says: “We have not an high priest who can­ not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we-are, yet without sin.” Let us be spiritually-minded for a moment and rec­ ognize that the effective touch is a touch of faith, for when the Lord Jesus confronted the woman, she was so afraid that she came trembling and falling down before Him, declaring to Him before all the people why she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. He said unto her, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” Can you see the lesson? Oh, the importance of it! The mere touch of the woman’s fingers against the cloth could never bring virtue out of Christ, but the spirit of yearning desire and trust could. Touch Him personally this glad Christmas season, and know His power.

m - »



W illiam C arey , the consecrated cobbler turned mis­ sionary, gave $400,000 to missions during his years as a servant of the Lord in India. How did he do it? Carey went to the mission field with a salary of $250 a year. While in India he was hired by the government to teach in a university at $7,500 a year. Carey continued to live on $250, giving the rest to the work of the Lord. That was planned poverty. As a youth, John Wesley began working for $150 a year. He gave $10 to the Lord. His salary was doubled the second year, but Wesley continued to live on $140, giving $160 to Christian work. During his third year Wesley received $600. He kept $140 while $460 was given to the Lord. That was planned poverty. During his life George Mueller received and expended five-and-a-half million dollars. When he died there was less than one thousand dollars to his credit in the bank. His life not only demonstrated that God was faithful in the supplying of every need, but that George Mueller was self-disciplined in the stewardship of the money the Lord entrusted to him. Robert Atherton, who was reared in luxury, gave $5,- 000,000 to the work of the Lord. He did not do it without sacrificial living. A letter received from a missionary in China read, “Were I in England again, I would gladly live in one room, make the floor my bed, a box my chair, another my table, rather than that the heathen should perish for lack of knowledge of Christ.” Atherton followed these suggestions almost to the letter for the rest of his life. His own deliberate planned poverty enabled him to give a fortune toward the publication of the Word of God in numerous languages. William Borden died before his 26th birthday. He had given his entire fortune of $25,000,000 to the work of the Lord before going out as a missionary. That was pur­ poseful poverty. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Studd were living under frugal conditions as missionaries in China, when they received word of their share of the family inheritance. One hun­ dred and fifty thousand dollars were to be theirs. After prayerful consideration, the entire amount was given to various Gospel ministries. In the many years of service for Christ which followed, C. T. Studd and his family experienced the joy of living by faith. And what about Moses who rejected the name, the fame, the power, and the wealth of Egypt only to suffer affliction with the children of Israel? His choice was pre­ meditated. He “ esteemed the reproach of ChHst greater riches .than the treasures in Egypt.” We are told concerning the churches of Macedonia that “in most difficult circumstances, their joy and the fact of being down to their last penny themselves, pro­ duced a magnificent concern for other people. I can guar­ antee that they were willing to give to the limit of their

means, yes, beyond their means, without the slightest urging from me or anyone else. “ In fact, they simply begged us to accept their gifts and so let them share in the honor of supporting their brothers in Christ. Nor was their gift, as I must confess I had expected, a mere cash payment. Instead, they made a complete dedication of themselves, first to the Lord, and then to us as God’s appointed ministers.” (II Cor. 8:2-5 Phillip’s translation) One wonders if it was not the sacrificial spirit of Paul which inspired the deliberate and dedicated frugality of the churches in Macedonia. Paul’s walk with God was one of planned poverty. He counted all personal profit but refuse in the light of eternity. Paul in turn walked in the footsteps of his Master who “though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor that we through his poverty might be made rich.” The “planned poverty” in which our Lord lived was deliberate and purposeful. There was nothing hasty or unconsidered about it. The plan was conceived from be­ fore the foundation of the world. The purpose was that we might enjoy eternal riches. How great was that sac­ rifice and how deep the poverty only heaven will reveal. In the bright light of our Lord’s example we dare not allow our giving to grow out of the shallow ground of spasmodic emotional stirrings. There must be some­ thing deep, deliberate, and disciplined about true stew­ ardship. The work of the Lord cannot thrive on the fringe benefits of our income. Poverty-stricken souls who are without hope and without God will never enter into the riches of grace in Christ apart from planned poverty in the lives of God’s children. Where is the housewife who could not set aside an extra $1.00 a week from the food budget? What would happen if 100,000 wives began to do this? Multiply their sacrifice by 52 weeks a year and you get a little concep­ tion of the tremendous outreach for God they would have. Where is the layman who could not save $1.00 a week by dropping a few of the inconsequential luxuries which he rather habitually enjoys? What would happen if only a million laymen canceled their subscriptions to a secular magazine for a year? Would it mean four million dollars for missions? What would happen if the golf course, the bowling alley, the fishing trip, or even chew­ ing gum were sacrificed (?) for the sake of missions? Before you do your Christmas shopping, take a second look at the drab stable and the cold, barren Bethlehem manger. Then remember the cozy comfort into which your babes were born. Is our Lord worthy of anything less than planned poverty on our part? Are the souls for which He died deserving of anything less than that sacrifice which will enable them to hear the gospel of His love? The message of the manger is planned poverty.



- ^mmrfeUnette Acred . . . . — ^ * 5 — fychologist and Marriage Counselor Ohristian CQMMZfinR Center t Pasadena _

I ’ m a C hristian , but something is drastically wrong,” Carl said, as he looked hopelessly at his minister. “ I know it’s wrong to have thoughts like this, but every once in a while I feel like — well, I have a compulsion to commit suicide and get it over with. I don’t know why. I have a wonderful wife and three children. On the surface, you’d say I have everything to live for.” With the minister’s understanding and skillful guid­ ance, Carl went on to express his concern about himself, and his deep feelings of inferiority. During his first counseling session, all he had was praise for his “ won­ derful wife” , and condemnation for himself. However, during the second and third sessions, as the minister encouraged him to talk, he began to express strong nega­ tive feelings for his wife. These were interspersed with remarks indicating shame and guilt for speaking of her in such a way. The counselor helped him to realize that expressing these feelings would help alleviate them. Gradually it became easier for him to talk about his true feelings. The minister learned that Carl’s wife was not living up to his expectations, and thus their marriage was far below the level he had idealized. Some of her “ lazy and careless” habits actually made him shudder. “Maybe I’m to blame,” he quickly added. “ I know I shouldn’t talk about her like that.” During the sessions, the pastor talked to Carl about his relationship to Christ, reminding him that if he would grow “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” he must be obedient. Obedience, he pointed out, involves Bible study (2 Tim. 2:15) and prayer (1 Thess. 5:17). Carl admitted that his Bible study and prayer life were about as haphazard as his church attendance. When he did have devotions, usually it was in the eve­ ning when he was tired. The minister encouraged him to spend time in the Word each day when he felt his best.

For several weeks the minister continued to help Carl understand himself and his family relationships. He en­ couraged him to spend time studying the Love Chapter (1 Cor. 13) and what the Bible has to say about the married life of believers (Eph. 5:21-33), asking God for wisdom in applying these precepts to his own life. He also counseled with Carl’s wife, encouraging her like­ wise. Carl learned to center his attention on Christ rather than upon himself or his wife. “ I no longer take personally everything my wife says,” he remarked. “ I realize that much of her blowing off steam is because of her past experiences. I also realize that some of her ‘bad habits’ were exaggerated by my perfectionistic eyes. Christ gives me victory and a won­ derful awareness of His presence. This is worth far more than achieving my unrealistic expectation which were based on my own needs rather than on an acceptance of my wife as she is. Also she has changed considerably since I began applying what God says about love and marriage to our relationship. I feel like the prodigal must have felt when he returned to his father.” “You feel then that our sessions have helped?” ques­ tioned the pastor. “Most important was your help and encouragement to keep my devotional time daily and to be obedient to God in all things. Through this, He led me back to regular church attendance, and as you know, I have ac­ cepted a responsibility in the church. I have learned that God’s power is available when I depend on Him and have faith.” Through spiritual growth and self-understanuing, bar­ riers were removed, enabling the Holy Spirit to guide and direct Carl’s life so effectively that his pastor had the satisfaction of seeing a life and a marriage marvelously transformed.

night. It was so simple — so pure — so deep, much like the. spirit which prevailed on that first Christmas many years ago in Bethlehem. I don’t know why I should feel this way, but I feel your tear is trying to show me something that I have missed in Christmas. Perhaps at home we do emphasize the Christmas tree, the buying of gifts, decorated lawns and Santa Claus at the expense of losing the true mean­ ing of the day. Sleigh bells, mistletoe, “ Silent Night” and the Baby Jesus have become a conglomeration of fiction and truth. Perhaps your tear is calling us to be more sober and to withdraw from this world’s abuse of Christmas and simply to honor Him whose birthday it is. As the world makes merchandise of the beautiful sacred story, perhaps it would be wiser, especially in times like these, to show a little more genuine love and respect for honest tradition in memory of Him who is the true Author of peace. As you tried to blink away this precious gift in your eyes, you taught me that there are still lasting values in Christmas. Yes, there is peace which is genuine, a love that conquers all, a radiant hope which insures the future. It is a mystery that these things should be expressed in tears. Even so, Rinda, as you lie sleeping peacefully in your bed, there are men and nations who hate this Christ and seek to destroy all that these tears mean and promise for the fuutre. But let me assure you, Rinda, they ’shall never win, they shall never con­ quer — not even the faith of a little girl. By those you share the hurt in God’s heart for His world — and in the end God’s plan will win. Yes, in our family circle to-night we caught the spirit of Christmas. In your tear was reflected more beauty, more color, more honest admiration than all the bright lights and tinsel of the world. Here is tra­ dition which is right. It is always proper to withdraw from this world’s gaiety and in the quietness of worship kneel at the manger of Jesus. It is always fitting to shed honest tears, for this is sharing with God. In fact, Rinda, there are many who would like to shed tears once again and be moved by simple adoration and love — but they cannot. It is not that they don’t love Him or have room in their hearts — but the season’s tra­ ditions no longer leave them time for the adoration of the Saviour. I am impelled to go to your bedside again. I hope the tear is still there. It is a precious gift and you have laid it so beautifully at the feet of God to-night. I have peace in my heart now — for I know that you also will have precious memories of Christmas — memories I nev­ er knew. JLovuujbf, 2 W.

7 ) m H b m tjk a 'R u d a ,,

To-night is Christmas eve. Now that you and the oth­ er children are in bed, I feel a little hurt in my heart — so I must write some of these things down lest they slip by unheeded. As I sit at my desk, all is quiet except for the beating of the temple gong and the friendly hissing of the old pressure lamp. A few minutes ago I went to your room, pulled back the mosquito net and looked into your face. You were asleep and your head was peacefully cushioned in a pillow of golden curls, but my flashlight caught a little reflection in your closed eyes — and I knew that your tears had not yet dried. They were Christmas tears — your gift to God in memory of the birth of His Son. Ours was a simple Christmas. There were no Christ­ mas tree, no presents, no pretty lights or bright tinsel, no decorated lawns. You have never known the glitter and merriment of a big department store at Christmas time. Living on the mission field, we just don’t have these things. With a few paper cut-outs, you and Mother made a manger scene. Then this evening, after you children had put on your pajamas, we gathered in the front room. With candles burning, we rehearsed the Christmas story. You have always thrilled at this story: the shepherds, the wise men bearing precious gifts, the deep understanding and love of Mary, and the manger which cradled God’s gift to man. After the story, we sang many Christmas carols and then each one offered a prayer and trotted off to bed. You, Rinda, lingered behind for a few moments, and it was then that it seemed as if the burdens of the whole world fell upon your young shoulders. Trying to blink away the tears, you looked first at me and then at the manger scene, and asked, “Daddy, why doesn’t the world love Jesus?” With this you kissed me, and dashed off to bed. While living on the mission field, I have often won­ dered: “ Is it fair to deprive your children of the many wonderful things which happen in America at Christ­ mas time?” As I look back to my childhood, there are so many things that I cherish: the cold wintry nights, the magic of a pretty tree, the mystery of oddly-shaped gifts, all tied in colorful ribbons, and the’ air filled with enchanting Christmas music. The spirit of good­ will prevailed as people greeted each other with a hearty “Merry Christmas!” There was the jolly old Santa Claus down at the department store. There was the arrival of relatives and friends, all mixed with the aroma of roasting chicken, evergreen decorations and falling snow. These are precious memories. You have never known these, Rinda, and I wonder if someday you will regret it. I hope not. In fact, I would like every 'Christmas to be just like the one to­

They Were Asleep I wonder why it was the shepherds were The only ones to hear the angels sing, To see that wonderful event occur, And hear the message of the new­ born King. Perhaps the midnight hour was just at hand; The silver moon had set, and dark­ ness deep And solemn lay across the listening land, And all the weary world was lost in sleep. If they had known— if they had only known The time of His appearing and His birth, When He should come to seek and save His own And tell a warring world of peace on earth— They would have watched and waited all the night, The candles lighted and the door ajar, Lest they should miss the angels in their flight. Or fail to see the glory of His star. And when the lightning breaks across the blue, And He comes back to take His bride away. W ill we be watching, faithful, loyal, true? Or will we, like so many in that day, Be fast asleep? Oh, many are asleep! The Bridegroom tarries, but His hour is nigh, Now let us, like the shepherds, watch and keep Our eager vigil while the stars go by. — E. B. Bolkcom

Christmas Prayer Lord I remember that there was a star, And frightened sheep, and shepherds guarding them; A song, a stable, and Wise Men from far— Lord, I remember Bethlehem. Lord, I remember that there was a hill, A jeering crowd, Thy voice, and over three Lone crosses darkness creeping, close and still— Lord I remember Calvary. Lord, I remember that there was a room. And waiting figures, praying, who had lost Thyself. Then wind! A flame that banished gloom— Lord, I remember Pentecost. I may not pause beside the manger bed Too long, remembering, tonight: I climb The long, long road to Calvary in­ stead— Though it again be Christmas time. I see Thy body bearing all my doom; I bow my head before Thy Cross in shame; And of my heart I make an upper room— Lord kindle it, anew, with flame! — Helen Frazee-Bower Christmas is a Vision Of eternal things: A fleeting glimpse of Heaven— The touch of Angel-wings. Christmas is a Splendor Of Celestial Light: A Voice— a Song— a Promise In the W orld's dark Night. Christmas is1the Glory Of a Wonder-Star, To guide all seeking W ise Men Along Earth-joUrney far. Christmas is M a n 's knowing What Is Christmas?

The Beautiful Gift What can a mother give her children Greater today than this one great thing— Faith in an old, sweet, beautiful story, A star— a stable— a new-born King? Shining faith in the young lad, Jesus; Lover of high white things was He: Jesus— straight as a Lebanon cedar; Jesus, clean as the winds from the sea. Faith in the young lad come to man­ hood; Jesus, compassionate, tender and true— Oh, my children— what more glorious Gift in the world can I give to you? Carry it high like a lamp in the dark­ ness, Hold it for warmth when the day is cold— Keep it for joy when youth goes sing­ ing, Clasp it for peace when you are old. What can a mother give her children More than a faith that will not dim? Take it, my dear ones— hold it for­ ever; A lamp for a life time faith in Him. — -Grace Noll Crowell

'Goodwill' from above: The Supreme Bestowing Of the Father's Love.

— Jessie Cameron Alison



No Room "W e have no room." Nor did they care That God's own Son was lying there. All power laid down, all glory sped, A baby in a manger-bed. But angels lowly bowed in love To praise the Lord of Heaven above, And joined the humble shepherds there In happy song and ardent prayer. "W e have no room." The world takes up The cry. "Fo r we must laugh and sup. When years are few and eyes are dim, Ah, then perhaps we'll turn to Him. But ask us not while youth abide To lay earth's glittering joys aside. 'Till life's bright ways our feet have trod We have •no time to spend with God." Lord, here is room. M y heart I bring To Thee, a humble offering. It bears the marks of sin and shame And is not worthy of Thy name, So cleanse it, Lord, that it may be A throne that's fit to offer Thee. Then, through the blood my sins forgiven, I'll find there's room for me, in Heav­ en. — Barbara Elden Cornet

"Suppose" Suppose that Christ had not been born That far away Judean morn; Suppose that God, whose mighty hand Created worlds, had never planned A way for man to be redeemed. Suppose that wise men only dreamed The guiding star whose light still glows Down through the centuries; suppose Christ never walked here in men's sight. Our blessed Way, the Truth, the Light. Suppose He'd counted all the cost, And never cared that we were lost, And never died for you and me, Nor shed His blood on Calvary Upon a shameful cross. Suppose That, having died, He never rose, And there was none with power to save Our souls from darkness and the grave * * * A s far as piteous heathen know, These things that I've supposed are so! — Martha Snell Nicholson

CRADLE A N D THRONE Earth gave Thee a cradle, O Christ, and a cross, Hard roads for Thy journey, reviling and loss; Earth gave Thee Thy wounding, Thy shroud, and Thy tomb. But earth gave no welcome and earth gave no home. Oh, Wronged One, return to the land Thou hast left, The land that is desolate, lone and bereft; The world is a chaos of comfortless woes; M e n 's wisdom has failed them, no help they propose. Thou art the one hope, Lord, oh, lend us Thine aid And save Thy creation — the world Thou hast made. A new earth shall greet Thee, a new world shall sing The greatness and glories of Jesus its King. Earth that once gave Thee is scorning and shame, Its thorns and its scourging, shall yet hail Thy name. The earth, once rebellious, allegiance shall own, Shall give Thee a scepter, a crown, and a throne. — Annie Johnson Flint It May Be The Last! It may be the last of the years quickly flying, It may be the year when the M as­ ter will come; When the Land of the Holy for which we are sighing, Will burst Into view— the Father's glad Home. It may be the last of the earth's checkered story— The last of the desert, the furnace, the thorn; And the last, too, of service in weak­ ness, then glory: The Lord will have come, the Star of the morn! It may be the last time on earth to awaken, To finish the story of sorrow and toil, Of feeling unloved, and neglected, forsaken. Of treading in pain earth's thorn- covered soil. It may be the last time the daily cross choosing, The footprints of Jesus retracing below; Earth's glitter and glamour so tempt­ ing refusing, Eternal companionship with Him to know. It may be the last! then all mystery ending In radiant light from the sunshine of God. And, O what a welcome! as we are ascending 'Twill more than make up for the difficult road. — M ax 1, Reich

One of the World's Greatest Verses

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Became fLesh anó óweLt among us^

The Road To Bethlehem The road that leads to Bethlehem Leads on to Galilee; To Nazareth the Lord Christ came— An uncouth town, a humble home; This was the lowly place for Him W ho lived in Galilee. The road that leads to Bethlehem Leads to a wilderness; With wild beasts for His company, And fierce assaults from Satan: The tempter sly, and victory In that lone wilderness. The road that leads to Bethlehem Leads up to Calvary; Hark! From that night a piercing cry, " M y God! M y God! Forsaken! W h y ?" It was for me my Lord did die That day on Calvary. The road that leads to Bethlehem Leads to Mount Olivet: A benediction given then Upon those upward-gazing men: A shout of triumph when again Christ's feet touch Olivet. — Harold M. Freligh

His Christmas Tree I think that I shall never see A hill so green as Calvary;

Nor yet a tree so sweet and fair A s cruel men once planted there. And, oh, I know I'll never find A love so gracious and so kind; A love so deep, so high, so broad A s issued from the heart of God— When He leaned down to you and me, And hung His Son upon the Tree. Oh, shining yew-trees laden down With costly presents in each town— For very shame, well may you wince! There never was before nor since A Christmas gift so wrapped in red, W ith golden joy-bells overspread— And, oh, the precious thing Is this, A thing you must not, must not, miss— The gift upon God's Christmas Tree Is waiting there for you and me! — Lois Reynolds Carpenter



G lory to G od in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). “ For the Lord him­ self shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (I Thess. 4:16). More than nineteen hundred years ago, lowly Pales­ tinian shepherds received an angelic visitor who greeted them with the thrilling message, “ Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” This joyful message was the announcement that a Saviour had been bom. Then an angelic host joined the angel herald in the mighty chorus: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This theme has re-echoed down through the cen­ turies. It has been the inspiration for the most enjoyable season of the year. But there is another equally awe-inspiring event which is yet future. This momentous occurrence will be ushered in with the sound of the trumpet. The cry of all Chris­ tian hearts is, “How long will it be until we shall hear the sound of the trump of God with its attendant shout and voice of the archangel?” Its promise and prospect are the hope of the church and the joy of every believing heart. PROPHECY The angels’ chorus was prophecy fulfilled. The an­ cient prophecy that the Seed of the woman should one day bruise the serpent’s head; that a virgin should con­ ceive and bring forth a Son; that a Child should be bom, upon whose shoulder the government of the world would rest — the promise of the Deliverer or His people and of the Light to lighten the Gentiles, was now fulfilled. The Word had become flesh and dwelt among men. The Son of God had laid aside His glory that He might make Himself of no reputation and become “ fashioned like as a man.” “A child is bom . . . a son is given” ! The only way by which God’s Son could become a man was by a human birth. What a glorious testimony to the identity of the newly-bom Child! He was not a product of the race; He did not come up out of the human family, but He came down from God. Wonderful gift of God’s love! The sound of the trumpet is next in God’s prophetic calendar. The prophets not only foretold the coming of a Babe but also they spoke of the day of the coming of the King of kings. The fulfillment of this great truth is the ex­ pectation of the church, its glorious hope, the only an­ swer Jo the need of the world. The sound of the trumpet

will mark the beginning of the fulfillment of a great line of prophetic Scriptures. It will be a great hour for the church of God when, in accordance with First Thessalon- ians 4:13-18, the saints will be caught up to meet the Bridegroom. The trumpet blast refers to the resurrection of believers as recorded in First Corinthians 15:52: “ The dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” The angels announced to the Jewish nation that the Deliverer whose coming the prophets predicted was here, but the trumpet will proclaim to a prepared bride that her Absent Lover has come to fulfill His prom­ ise” : “ If I go . . . I will come again, and receive you unto myself.” This will be the answer to the High Priestly prayer of Jesus: “ Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am” (John 17:24). The sound of the trumpet will bring nearer the day when Israel, a present world problem, will be brought into her own by the coming of her Messiah. At that time the Palestinian problem will be settled in short order. PROCLAMATION When the angels made their proclamation, only a very few were expecting it and had ears attuned to the message of the heavenly host. Among these who waited for “ the consolation of Israel” were the expectant par­ ents, devout Simeon, the godly prophetess, Anna, and the poor shepherds, watching their flocks by night. Jerusa­ lem, the center of Judaism, the seat of Jewish life and religion, was not in a state of expectancy. Later, when the wise men came to Jerusalem, making inquiry about the young child, none were aware of or concerned with this glorious event. It is significant that when the Magi went outside of the city, they again beheld the star. It is lamentable indeed when religion can obscure the things that are most priceless and essential to life. The Roman authorities, intoxicated with their temporal power, did not dream that the despised Babe in a manger was the King of kings and Lord of lords. When the sound of the trumpet announces Christ’s re­ turn to receive His own, only a small company out of the mass of population or even the devotees of religious or­ ganizations will be looking for and expecting His com­ ing. The very language of the indifferent has been pre­ dicted, “Where is the promise of his coming?” The ma­ terialistic attitude of our generation chills the heart to any such prospect and dims the eye of vision to this glorious outlook. When Christ’s coming was announced by the angel, neither the Jews nor the Romans had a place for Him.



Judaism was apostate. The traditions of the elders had been .substituted for the “ thus saith the Lord.” The ec­ clesiastical leaders were so meticulous about the externals of their religion that when the Son of God appeared first as a Babe in a manger, and then later as a Teacher and Friend of sinners, they had no place for Him. They cried, “ Away with Him!” The Roman government was all-sufficient in itself, secure in the strength of its own great armies and defenses. They likewise had no room for Jesus’ saving message or His gracious ministry, As we today anticipate the sound of the trumpet, there is no evidence ■ that the world as a whole will be waiting to receive Him with glad acclaim. W e read in Hebrews 9:28, “ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Today the religious world is badly confused. Man’s opin­ ions have been substituted for divine revelation, character for Christ, the natural for the supernatural. A program of world conquest to Christianize the whole social order is now being planned, but these religious leaders fail to remember that Christianity begins in the hearts of men, not in their environment. We are in the midst of a new conflict, not so much any more between modernism and fundamentalism, but between true Christianity and a religion with an ever- expanding program of human betterment without the su­ pernatural. One is the program of men; the other, the prosecution of the purpose of Christ. Believers in Christ’s return will share in every good work that will contribute to the highest good of men, but they will not be diverted from the essential task of World-wide evangelization. The nations are attempting to make a peaceful world by force. Nothing could be more stupid and hopeless than that, but apparently it is the only course that nations know how to follow. We are now in the midst of a great war between opposing ideologies. Commentators on world events remind us that the “one world” idea is fast dis­ appearing. “ Two worlds” seem inevitable, one conse­ crated to free enterprise, and the other to absolute stat- ism, with its dictatorship. In many countries, nationalism and patriotism have become a religion. The stage is being set for the rise of the superman who will express the lofty ambitions and human ideals of the world’s leading na- tions. But the order that he will instigate will be anti- Christian, not anti-religious, a system in which the Son of God will have no recognition. The challenge as we listen again to the angels and await the trumpet blast is for— PREPARATION The world and organized religion will never be ready to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. The nations of the earth will continue to “ rage, and . . . imagine a vain thing.” Satan will take advantage of every opportunity, not only to prepare, but to enthrone, the man whom he will in- vest with his power and authority. The true church of Christ should be reminded con- Stantly of the need of preparation for this great day of the coming of the Lord. The responsibility is a personal one. Shall we not live in the light of this glorious coming event? Christmas with its glamor, gaiety and giving, may distract us from the Person of Jesus Himself. The cares of this world, the love of pleasure, the pursuit of happi­ ness, and multiplied other things may deafen our ears and dull our hearts to the,trumpet sound. And as we think of giving, shall we not first give to God our spirit, soul and body — our past, present and future? Shall we not ask Him to fire our hearts with a new love-flame until we shall be praying fervently, “ Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”




ti n a l l t h e a n n a l s of earth, there is nothing else to be compared with the story of the birth of Christ. It is ever new. What a privilege it is to pause in the stress of modem life and go back in spirit to stand by that manger bed and gaze again upon the lovely Babe . . . God manifest in thé flesh. Luke, the beloved physician, tells us in his first chapter that it was by the direct creative power of God, working through the Holy Spirit, that the blessed virgin Mary became the mother of our Lord. His In­ carnation was the first step in the fulfillment of the program of redemption. Bethlehem was the prelude to Calvary. AN EVENT—NOT A MYTH The Christmas story is not a Hebrew myth. It is not Christian folk-lore. It is a blessed and glorious fact. God has actually come down to earth and has become incarnate in the person of the Man, Jesus Christ. In Bethlehem’s Babe we see deity and human­ ity united, never more to be separated. But Incoma- tion alone would not save one poor sinner. The Son of God became man in order that He might give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). But for Calvary, Bethlehem would have no lasting significance. The Saviour bom in David’s city had to die in order to redeem us to God. It is an interesting fact that although Micah fore­ told the birth of Christ as taking place in Bethlehem, there seemed, almost to the last, no likelihood that this would be. God used a Roman emperor’s command to bring Mary to Bethlehem at the very last moment (Luke 2:1-4) in order that His Word might not fail. CHRISTMAS FOR CHRISTIANS To keep Christmas, and yet not to have received Christ as Saviour, is to trifle with the mercy God has manifested in the gift of His Son. Have we received Him for our very own, and are we seeking to glorify Him in our ways? “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us . . . He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:1-14).










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