King's Business - 1962-12

“H pw o boys are caught in an act of JL vandalism, doing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage;” “ Sixteen- year-old boy stabs housewife for $3.35;” “ Girl is murdered by boy friend whom she had rejected.” What is the cause of these immoral and lawless acts? This question is ashed by those who are responsible for law enforcement, as well as by parents and the public in general. To many, it is the great enigma about the char­ acter of the human race. Mothers have often cried, when the news was brought to them, “Why did God let this happen?” or, “Why doesn’t God do something about .this?” Ash yourself this question, “What do I want God to do about it? Do I want Him to again destroy the human race and start all over again with a few select persons? Would I lihe to see such rigid police action that crime would be nearly impossible, or do I prefer that human will and initiative be removed from the mind and per­ sonality?” Perhaps you want God in­ dividually and immediately to punish everyone who breaks one of the laws of morality and good citizenship. Where do you want Him to start? Do you prefer that He begin with your family, with you personally, or with all the church members who are not living perfect, moral lives? God has done something about it! He has provided the one and only sure remedy for sin and immorality at a tremendous cost. It cost God His own Son. The remedy is available to every­ one. To you have been given the privi­ lege and responsibility to offer this remedy for the sin disease that causes all the anguish, heartache, despair, tears, and sorrow of the entire human race. True, many haven’t heard about it. That is your part to tell them . . . to tell them over and over again un­ til ihey accept the only way of es­ cape from their own personal sin problems. Yes, God is doing something about it. He is doing something every day. He is forgiving sinners, changing their lives, bringiiig peace, joy and con­ tentment to all who receive His Son. But you still are God’s messenger of His grace. It is you who know the remedy and can make it available to sick souls. It is you who can help God do something about it. DECEMBER, 1962

The Park twins, Sung Dong and H oo Dong, left fatherless and motherless, were passed from one family to another, then turned over to a Presbyterian minister. He brought them to our Blue Bird orphanage when he was no longer able to feed them. “Although they are 6 years old,” writes Mrs. Kim, superin­ tendent, “they were so thin and unable to walk that we had to carry them on our backs. I am happy to report that they are slowly improving in health. The vitamins you sent are proving a marvelous effect.” The other children pictured above, and many hundreds more, have stories just as heartrending. They urgently need sponsors for their care. The coupon below can be the key to a more meaningful Christmas—for an orphan and for you.

Christmas will have a new and deeper meaning for you and your family if you will decide now to sponsor one of these lovely but destitute Korean orphans. For only $8 a month you can underwrite the complete care of a saddened child, eagerly awaiting “news from America” that someone has heard his cry for the neces­ sities of life. . . and above all, for love and affection. ORPHANS ARE PRAYING FOR SPONSORS All of these Korean orphans are praying earn­ estly for a sponsor—a Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. “It is simply heartbreaking” writes Mrs. Kim In Sook, superintendent of our Blue Bird orphanage, “to listen to the prayers of un­ sponsored children. They are praying that their ‘sponsors may come very soon.’ Two were over­ heard praying, ‘We do not have sponsors be­ cause we are so full of sins.’ ” For their sins, their superintendent points them to Christ. For a sponsor, only you can answer their plea. Your answer will thrill the hearts of the children, reassure their faith and share with them the true meaning of Christmas. Your heart, too, will be “strangely warmed” as you receive your child’s letter (translated into English), telling of his (or her) gratitude. If your child is too young to write, a staff member will cheerfully write in his stead. ^ Says Mrs. Gladys F. Matthews o f Arlington, Va., “I have never done anything more rewarding than this! If people only knew how good it would make them feel inside, you wouldn’t have any unsponsored orphans.” EVERETT SWANSON, Executive Director Name -------------------------------------- ------ - ■ Address --------------------------------- ---------------- City _____________ Zone— —State _________ Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts* and sponsorings are income tax deductible. THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation

^ FAC TS A B O U T E S E A ...

Cares for morethan 16,000Korean or­ phans, including children of lepers, deaf,dumb and blind children. Maintains 154orphanages, supervised and stafedby Bible-believing Chris­ tians. Serves more than 20,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by Korean government. Seeks your help in caring for the rag­ ged, forsaken children of Korea . . . NOW!

□ YES, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number ______________ If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor another similar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, pic­ ture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $-------------------- □ Please send folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.”

Dept. Kf 22

7774 Irving Park Rd.

Chicago 34, III.

T*l. 456-6116


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