King's Business - 1962-12

The same faith and prayer that'have prevailed to start work in new fields are required to carry it on year after year. Continue to labor with us in prayer and stewardship. Write for free copy of our bi-monthly magazine, THE EVERLASTING NATION, with inspiring articles and news reports of world Jewry.

Evangelize the Jew Our program to evangelize the Jewish people every­ where has expanded with the increasing interest in our work on the part o f Christian friends. Our missionary outreach now includes:


by Nelson S, Dilworth California State Senator, Retired

“ 'W a T h a t ! N o C h r is tm a s t r e e ! But y v Daddy, we’ve always had Christmas and decorations, gifts, a good dinner and a program at the Church.” “ But, my son, we have a People’s Democracy now,” answered the father of this Christian family in a country newly taken over by the international communists from the Kremlin. Yes, the country lost the cold war. That was all. Their political leaders sur­ rendered to the communists. No shots were fired, until, with the new com­ munist officials in command, the sol­ diers who had been trained to defend the country and freedom, were or­ dered to round up the patriots and execute them. This perplexed father had tried to explain to his son that he must ac­ cept the new atheist teaching in the public school, the Sunday School was a thing o f the past and that now only grown-ups could attend church. The kindly pastor whom the children loved had been taken away and a new young man sent in his place to teach the people to obey the new so­ cialist democracy. And now, there was not to be any Christmas! Just how does a Christian father explain to a sincere youth, trained from infancy in the Scriptures to love Christian friends and enjoy Sunday School, that he can no longer go to Sunday School? The father must con­ vince the boy that he must never talk to others about Sunday School or about Jesus, or the boy may be sent to a training school for the men­ tally ill and the father and mother sent off to forced labor camps which few survive. So the refugees tell us that they tried to meet the crisis when they lost their freedom. How fervently every Christian in America should pray at Christmas time for the Chris­ tians in lands that have lost their freedom. Pray for wisdom and cour­ age that they may survive, or if faced with martyrdom and liquidation, that they may be greatly strengthened by the Holy Spirit to witness a good testimony in their death.____________ Prayer IT WE PRAY FOR J YOUR REOU MAY REQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

United States, Israel, Hungary, France, Belgium, Switzerland,

North Africa, Mexico, India, South America, Australia,

England, Germany

Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board


International Board of Jewish Missions, Inc. P.O. Box 1256, Atlanta 1, Georgia


For theWholeFamily

IntheWholeSundaySchol American Sunday-School Union Lesson Helps, based on the International Uniform Lessons, are thoroughly Bib lical, evangelical, an d sk ill­ fu lly graded. SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD — A m agazine for teachers with special program material, ideas, and inspiration for busy Sunday-school workers. PRIMARY QUARTERLY, JUNIOR QUARTERLY, INTERMEDIATE QUARTERLY, AND UNION QUARTERLY (YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS) — A m p le te a c h e r a n d p u p il h e lp s fo r th e whole fam ily. CHRISTIAN YOUTH - Weekly take-home paper for the entire Su n d ay school. B IBLE STO R IE S -W e e k ly leaflet in color for Prim ary and Beginners for either lesson use or for handw ork— fine take-home paper! BIBLE PICTURE ROLL, UNION LESSON PIC­ TURES (cards) — Com panion literature for Pri­ mary and Beginners. Whatever the a g e — Whatever the teachin g need Union Lesson H elps are, the answer! • a. Sen d for sam p les to D e p t km 6 2 AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania

Su p plie rs of religious material to Su n d ay sch ools for over a century.

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