King's Business - 1962-12

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Sc i ence and the Bible by Bolton Davidbeiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College (


The Yule Log

A bout the beginning of the 4th century, the 25th of December was adopted as the date o f Christ’s birth. The pagans of Europe and the British Isles observed the birthday of the sun god on this day and it was thought that the heathen could be induced more easily to divert their worship from the sun god to Christ if the birth of Christ were celebrated on the same day. But this was not suc­ cessful, for those who worship Christ must be motivated by love for Him. In the unfortunate amalgamism of paganism and Christianity which re­ sulted, the ceremonial fires which had been built in worship of the sun god continued as the burning of the yule log. Among the various superstitions associated with the yule log which continued until recent times were be­ liefs that its ashes kept in the house afforded protection from burglars as well as from witches and evil spirits, prevented toothaches, cured tubercu­ losis, healed swollen glands, and drove out vermin. Almost everywhere that the yule log was burned, the people thought that remains of it protected from fire and especially from light­ ning. It is believed that this supersti­ tion came about because the yule log was usually oak and the oak tree was sacred to the thunder god. In some places,-it was thought that before the log was burned, the virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus sat upon it invisibly. The hinges of doors were greased so they would not make a noise that could disturb the sleep­ ing infant. For a person to sit on the log was an act of disrespect which would be punished with an attack of boils, and this could be cured only by the person’s passing nine times under a bramble bush. That such supersti­ tions could go on in recent times in the name of Christianity is a sobering thought, but most regrettable is the fact that people could treat the Lord Jesus Christ as an infant on the day commemorating His birth instead of recognizing Him as the risen Saviour.

In parts of southeastern Europe un­ til very recently (this area is now under Russian control) the tree se­ lected for the yule log was greeted with the words, “Happy Yuletide to you!” It was cut so as to fall to the east just as the sun was rising — another reminder that the custom arose from sun worship. Children went from house to house singing songs in which the pagan deity Col- leda was invoked in prayer in every line. As the yule log was brought in, the head of the household greeted it as a person, drank to its health, and placed it in the fire. As the customary procedure continued, the mother scat­ tered straw around the floor while making a noise like a hen and the children followed, making sounds like chicks. The father threw walnuts^and prayed to the Christian God for'the health, happiness, and prosperity of the family. m o c k e d But God will not be'iileggd and He cannot be treated in this way. He has said, “ I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory I will not give to another, neither my praise to grav­ en images.” The Lord Jesus Christ will not share His position with another and He has said, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” We may think that we are beyond being influenced by heathen customs, but everything which detracts from the glory and honor due to Christ is of the same nature. He was in the be­ ginning and He was with God and He was God. A ll things were made by Him and without Him was not any­ thing made which was made. In com­ memorating His birth, we celebrate the time when He became incarnate in human flesh and was bom of the virgin Mary, in accordance with the divine plan of redemption. Partaking of man’s nature, yet without sin, He alone could offer Himself as a sacrifice to atone for our sins and secure our salvation.


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