King's Business - 1962-12


“ I appreciate STONY BROOK’ S Planned Preparation” Stony Brook is a fully accredited college preparatory school consisting of five forms— eighth grade through college entrance. When a boy enters Stony Brook, his curriculum is carefully planned by the Director of Studies under the supervision of the Headmaster. This individually shaped course of study prepares him to meet the requirements of the college of his choice. During the past forty years Stony Brook graduates have earned successful records in more than one hundred different higher institutions of learning at home and abroad. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of ■ purpose. By intelligent appfica- * tion of this Christian program, in 1 both administration and teach- Æ n ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- tinctive contribution to American M ml education. _IgSJ, Ds. F rank E. G aebelein m H K Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write )L Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island * New York TALBOT Theological Seminary Tborough. Preparation for says Harry Vellines Baltimore, Maryland

by Aina Dablstrom

' IP he S eattle W orld ’ s F air has been -L referred to as a brilliant jewel box, nestled in its magnificent setting of iridescent waters, snow-mantled mountains and velvety forests. Out of this natural jewel box, a continual flow of precious gems in the form of redeemed souls are being garnered. The Century 21 Exposition was planned by the nations to educate and entertain its ten million expected visitors, but God also had in mind the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth through those who would come from every comer of the globe. With more than another month left, 336,000 have already visited “ Sermons from Science” to see a live scientific demonstration by Dr. George Speake or watch a film from the Moody In­ stitute of Science of Los Angeles. No other exhibitor at the Fair has offered the public a completely different pres­ entation every hour on the hour for twelve hours of the day. Whichever .hour one attends, one hears the claims of Christ clearly presented. The audience is invited to linger for a brief resumé of the plan of salva­ tion. Thousands have availed them­ selves of this opportunity. Then per­ sonal counseling has followed, with daily miracles of grace taking place in the conference rooms as hundreds have been led into a personal rela­ tionship with the Lord Jesus Christ. “ I know I should believe in Jesus as my Messiah,” said a Jewish lad, a third-year student at an Eastern University, “ but I don’t see how I can.” Like Saul of Tarsus, he had been stopped in his tracks and was remaining in the Pavilion for suc­ cessive sessions hour after hour. The Holy Spirit was deepening his con­ viction. This was his second day. A counselor drove him to his hotel

room when the lights went out. On the third day, he accepted the Lord Jesus to be his Saviour. A mother lingered just outside the exit door. “ Except a man be bom again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,” was ringing in her ears after she had seen the moving demonstration on the new birth. Dr. George Speake had stood on a coil with one million volts of high frequency electricity pouring through his body to prove that God’s laws must be obeyed and we must be in tune with Him if we are to enter Heaven. An unsaved Sun­ day School teacher from the midwest, she admitted her desperate need of God, but held back through pride. One by one, her teen-agers returned to look for their mother, and warm­ ly responded to the invitation to re­ ceive Christ Last of all, came the father. “ Let’s all go back and settle this,” was his verdict. “We’re all go­ ing to get saved,” sang the youngest. And they were. “ The whole family made individual decisions for God,” the father volunteered as they left the building. This is only one example of the many, entire families who have settled the “Sin-question” at the Fair. Scores of husbands and wives have followed the example of the young wife who took her loved one’s hand and said, “We’re going in here to leam how to be bom again.” A few times, one has come alone, and then asked for help in winning an erring mate or re-establishing a broken home. Scientists and medical doctors, teach­ ers, technicians, farmers and labor­ ers — they have come to the foot of the Cross. A middle-aged woman who never attended church went home without making a definite decision. The next Sunday she attended her

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