King's Business - 1962-12

intervening centuries o f time have only served to deepen its glow. He did nothing but good in His life; His deeds were all to help those in need. He cleansed the leper; He raised the dead; He restored the sick to health. He said nothing but good in His life. The words that He spoke were quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword. He spake not as an ordinary human being, but as one with divine authority. The common people heard Him gladly; the re­ ligious leaders o f the day were utterly confounded whenever they encountered Him. Then, Christ was wonderful in His death. N o man ever died as did He. He did not deserve to die; but He tasted death so that through faith in Him, we might never know death in the eternal sense o f the word. For death, in God’s Word, means everlasting sep­ aration from God. Being infinite, in His death He could do in an instant o f time what a finite being could not achieve in an eternity. Therefore, when He cried out from the cross, "M y God, why hast thou forsaken me?” He was completing in that moment what no human being could ever accomplish. He was buried, but all the power o f the Roman government and all the power o f Satan and the hosts o f hell could not hold H im captive in a grave. He came forth victorious over death and the grave. And because He lives we too shall live. Christ was wonderful in His resurrection. N o man ever rose from the dead in the manner in which the Lord Jesus Christ did. H u m an beings were brought back to life by God’s power, but they died again. Christ’s resurrection was unique in that He arose never more to die. Finally, He is wonderful, too, in His coming again. The Lord Jesus Christ will return! As surely as the sun rose this morning, so surely the Lord will come again. This He promised to do. " I f I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also” (John 14 : 3 ) ; "This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen H im go into heaven” (A cts 1 :11). Wonderful, indeed, is this One whose birthday we celebrate each year on December 25. May the living presence o f the Lord o f glory fill the hearts and lives o f all who name the name o f Jesus Christ. In this way it will be far more than merely a "Merry Christmas.” It will be a happy and holy Christmas!


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