The Ferocious Frenzied Fowl
On Thursday, after a scrumptious lunch, the sixth grade went to Mrs. Rebecca's LA classroom. Then, they
heard it, CAW! CAW! A loud bird call was heard throughout the whole school. In her classroom, Mrs. Rebecca set
a white sack on her desk. Mrs. Rebecca told the class that she was going to a meeting with the principal. As the
teacher walked away, the sack began to shake violently. With an ear-shattering screech, the sack tore open, and
out flew a harpy. The students stared dumbfounded and anxious at the ginormous creature. Its upper body was
the one of a woman, and its bottom half was of a raven. “It's a harpy!” one of the kids called out. The harpy
started flying around, letting loose storms and lightning everywhere. It swooped toward the nervous students,
wrecked the whole classroom, and created chaos.
In this class, a particular group of three friends called themselves the Mustardteers because they were the
only ones in the whole grade that liked mustard. The girl named Sophie was the brains of the group, while Alex
loved knights, soldiers, and heroism. Lastly, Jackson loved to read fantasy; his favorites were Percy Jackson,
Magnus Chase, and The Kane Chronicles .
In the meantime, the harpy was using her majestic voice to hypnotize the entire class. Jackson called,
“Quick, stick cotton balls in your ears!” The three managed not to get hypnotized and were now racking their
memory to figure out how to stop the harpy. “Let's go check Mrs. Rebecca's myth books,” suggested Sophie. So
they made their way to her desk and flipped through the books. “This isn't getting us anywhere,” moaned Jackson.
“Odysseus passed by doing “the stuff your ears trick,” and Percy Jackson just slashed his sword and turned them
into monster dust.”
“Well then, we'll just have to do it our way,” said Sophie, “and I already have a plan.” After Sophie
explained her plan, the three Mustardteers got the supplies they needed. Jackson slipped off his belt. Meanwhile,
Sophie ran to the art room to get duct tape, and Alex entered the hall to get the fire extinguisher. Next, the three
of them sneaked up on the harpy. With one quick thrust, they duct-taped her beak shut. Immediately the other
students were free of the spell and looked around bewildered and confused.
After the duct tape was put on the harpy, it tried to escape by flying out the open window, but Alex was
ready, and he sprayed the fire extinguisher at the creature's black wings. Sophie knew that if you spray birds' wings
with water, they can't fly because they are too heavy. The harpy’s final move was to run, but it didn't get very far
because Jackson had wrapped his belt around its legs.
“Well now, what do we do with this package?” asked Alex heroically.
First, let's put it in the sack, and then we'll discuss it with Mrs. Rebecca. Shall we?” stated Sophie. So they
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