Louis Berk, PLLC. - June 2023

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www.LouisBerkLaw.com 407-906-0500 June 2023

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Fatherhood: The Most Rewarding and Exhausting Experience

But It’s Worth It!

home office door and call out for me, or in the morning, when I’m still in bed, I can hear her call “Aba!” from her crib. To that, I respond, “Ziva!” It’s a ritual. Each day that passes, my daughter becomes more fun and interactive, and her intelligence blows us away. Check out this awesome story I’d like to share.

Road Tripping With Our 18-Month-Old Daughter

We took a trip to Miami recently, and on the way back, I was making great time. We were about an hour away from home when Ziva announced “Bubbles” to the car. This is her code word for having to poop. Ever since my daughter was about 6 months old, our nanny has been potty training her. She started early but swore it’d pay off. My wife, Marisa, was in the back seat with her and told me she thought she might really have to go. So, I pulled over, and we got her little training potty out of the car, popped the trunk of my SUV, and set it up back there. Then, we put Ziva on the potty. Sure enough, she did, in fact, go number two! We were absolutely amazed and proud of how Ziva recognized and communicated that she needed to go potty and then proceeded to use the toilet, too, all before even turning 18 months old!

Before Ziva came into our lives, it was always funny to hear from friends and family that when you become a parent, your life is turned upside down. “You’re on call 24/7,” they’d tell me. “It doesn’t matter how late you were up the night before, your child will be up at 7 a.m., ready to play, no matter what!” They’d harp on how it’s the most exhausting yet rewarding experience of their lives. I can honestly tell you that I never truly understood what that meant until Ziva was born. Having Ziva in our lives is, without a doubt, exhausting, especially now that she is walking and running around everywhere. She’s into everything and seems to have a limitless supply of energy. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d rather be exhausted and have Ziva than be well- rested and not have her. She is truly the greatest blessing my wife and I could ever have. I can’t tell you how amazing it’s been to watch her from the first few weeks she was born, then rolling over for the first time, crawling, and learning to walk. I remember just like yesterday when she took five steps, and we cheered and cried. Then the next day, it was 10 steps. Before we knew it, our little girl took off, running and giggling everywhere. Today, she will bang on my

To say this was a proud dad moment is an understatement. I was elated!

Having Ziva in our lives is incredible, and I’m so grateful I was allowed to be her dad. She has learned to give hugs and blow

kisses, and every day with my daughter is a true blessing. Thank you, Ziva, for making me a dad!

To all the fathers out there, happy Father’s Day!

-Louis Bernardo Berk

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Struggling to Pay Your Bills? How an Attorney Can Help

Paying your bills on time isn’t always an easy task. If you’re going through financial difficulties, it can sometimes be impossible to pay your bills on time. Yet, there are still some ways to minimize the damage that can occur when you can’t pay your debts. When your bills pile up, you should always contact your creditors to learn if you can receive any extensions on payment deadlines. Being proactive is critical when managing debt. However, if they are unwilling to offer you leniency, you may face a creditor lawsuit; if that occurs, you should contact a debt settlement lawyer. What does a debt settlement attorney do? A debt settlement attorney can reach out to creditors and negotiate a way to reduce your debt or lower your payments. Finances can be confusing, but there are plenty of protocols and strategies out there — most of us just aren’t aware of them. Debt settlement lawyers are experts in consumer rights and know precisely what lenders can and cannot do. While debt settlement attorneys can assist you in various ways concerning your debt, they will often review your financial status, income, and conflicts in order to negotiate effectively with your creditors. However, hiring a debt settlement lawyer does not guarantee your debt will be reduced; it will give you a greater chance of doing so. What types of debt can they settle? You may not know about the multiple kinds of debt and their particular characteristics. These lawyers primarily work on unsecured debt, which is any debt that doesn’t require collateral. Some examples of unsecured debt include:

While debt settlement lawyers often work to reduce these debts, they can also provide legal assistance on other issues such as car repossession, wage garnishment, debt collection lawsuits, debt collector harassment, and more. If you’re struggling because of debt, they’ll most likely be able to help. Is it expensive to hire an attorney? There’s no simple price tag for hiring a debt settlement lawyer. Plenty of factors influence legal costs. For example, how much debt you have affects a lawyer’s total charge. Also, how many creditors require negotiation and how much you save in your settlement affect your cost. Additionally, if you need to file for bankruptcy eventually, it involves another set of charges to engage that process. You should contact a debt settlement attorney if you’re struggling to keep up with your bills and know you can’t pay them on time. Whether mapping out a payment plan or negotiating with creditors, these attorneys will work to ease your financial stress. Many of these lawyers offer free consultations so you can better understand your situation. If they can help you reduce your debts, they will be a great asset.

• Car loans • Student loans • Medical bills

• Credit card bills • Personal loans

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“Kawaii” is the Japanese word for “cute,” which apparently alters our brains more than we thought! During The Power of Kawaii study, Hiroshima University researched the effects of viewing images of cute animals, and what they discovered was shocking. Researchers found that these adorable animals can help us improve our concentration, especially on detail-oriented tasks. Participants who viewed images of puppies and kittens could accomplish tasks with greater care and attention than those shown other pictures. How did they measure concentration, and why cute animals? What method was used in the initial experiment? In the first experiment, researchers split a group of 48 participants and had each person play a surgery game similar to “Operation.” Using tiny tweezers, the participants had to grasp small objects without touching the edges. Afterward, one group observed images of puppies and kittens, and the other viewed photos of adult dogs and cats. After viewing the pictures, both groups played the game again. The result? The first group had a significant improvement when playing the game. They approached the game more deliberately and at a slower pace to carefully remove the objects without touching the edges. Meanwhile, the second group showed no difference in their performance. Why do these cute images affect us? After more experiments with increased difficulty, the researchers concluded that the sweet animals made a noticeable impact on our brains. Participants showed higher levels of focus, concentration, and carefulness both mentally and behaviorally. The reasoning may be that seeing baby animals triggers our nurturing side and, in turn, makes us more careful and alert. We sense something needing protection, care, and focus. At a subconscious level, you likely will become more cautious in how you think and behave after looking at pictures of baby animals. So, the next time you need to do something tedious or detail-oriented, prep yourself with a cute puppies and kittens slideshow to ensure you get the job done right!


Inspired by BBCGoodFood.com


• 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts • 3.5 oz firm goat cheese • 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves, plus 2–3 sprigs

• 4 pieces of thin-sliced bacon • Olive oil • 2 zucchinis, thinly sliced • 1 large tomato, thinly sliced

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 2. Split the chicken breasts almost in half along the long side, open them like a book, then flatten the sides out. 3. Put the goat cheese on the “open book” side of the chicken and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Fold the chicken over to enclose the cheese, then wrap each breast in 2 slices of bacon. 4. Lightly oil a shallow gratin or casserole dish, then arrange overlapping rows of zucchini and tomatoes on the bottom. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then set chicken on top. Place thyme sprigs on chicken. 5. Bake for 40–45 minutes until the bacon is crisp and golden and the zucchini is tender.

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you have trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.


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Thank You, Ziva, for Making Me a Dad


Do You Need a Debt Settlement Lawyer?


Goat Cheese and Thyme Stuffed Chicken Cute Puppies = Concentration


You’re Legally Obligated to Walk Your Dog?


Walk Your Furry Friend or Get Fined A PECULIAR ROMAN REQUIREMENT:

If you live in Rome and feel too lazy to walk your dog, you better think twice before breaking the law. Wait, the law? Yes! In 2005, the city of Rome passed a law requiring every dog owner to walk their furry friend at least once a day if they wanted to avoid a fine. This was one of the multiple laws protecting the safety and well-being of Roman animals. The city had been dealing

with ongoing problems due to dogs being cooped up in small apartments or abandoned in the streets. Monica Cirinna, who created the law, explained, “It’s good to do whatever we can for our animals who, in exchange for a little love, fill our existence with their attention.” She also told the Roman newspaper Il Messaggero that “the civilization of a city can also be measured by this.” How authorities in Rome can enforce this law is still unclear, but the city also passed other less-ambiguous animal welfare laws. Aside from the mandatory daily dog walk, docking an animal’s ears or tails and selling animals at fairgrounds are also illegal acts. While Rome may seem dog-biased, cat people will be happy to learn the Italian city didn’t forget felines. They passed another law to make declawing a cat for aesthetic

reasons illegal. Additionally, the city will recognize those feeding and caring for the countless stray cats roaming the stone- paved streets. And last but not least, round fishbowls are also illegal, as the circular shape forces the fish to swim in circles, which is disorienting and can affect the fish’s mood and behavior. But Rome isn’t the only city in Italy with animal-friendly laws. In Turin, for example, dog owners are required to walk their pets at least three times a day or face a fine of $650. Meanwhile, in Reggio Emilia, it is illegal to boil live lobsters. The city officials considered this cooking method “useless torture.” Even though Italy is known for stunning landscapes and delicious cuisine, it can also take credit for holding pet owners accountable and ensuring they take proper care of their animal companions.

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www.LouisBerkLaw.com 407-906-0500 June 2023

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Paternidad: La Experiencia Más Gratificante Y Extenuante ¡Pero Vale La Pena!

en día, golpea la puerta de mi oficina y me llama; o a la mañana, cuando todavía estoy en la cama, escucho que me llama desde la cuna: “¡Aba!”. Y yo le contesto: “¡Ziva!”. Es un ritual. Con cada día que pasa, mi hija se vuelve más divertida e interactiva. Y nos impresiona mucho su inteligencia. Escuchen esta historia genial que me gustaría compartir con ustedes. De viaje con nuestra hija de 18 meses Hace poco viajamos a Miami y, en el viaje de regreso, veníamos ahorrando bastante tiempo. Faltaba aproximadamente una hora para llegar a casa cuando Ziva anunció a todos en el auto que había “burbujas”. Esa es su palabra clave para indicar que quiere hacer popó. Nuestra niñera le ha estado enseñando a usar el orinal desde que tenía seis meses. Empezó un poco antes de lo habitual, pero nos aseguró que valdría la pena. Mi esposa, Marisa, iba en el asiento de atrás con ella y me dijo que le parecía que realmente tenía ganas de hacer popó. Así que detuve el vehículo, sacamos el pequeño orinal que usamos para enseñarle, abrí el baúl del todoterreno y lo pusimos ahí atrás. Luego pusimos a Ziva en el orinal. En efecto, ¡hizo popó! Estábamos completamente impresionados y orgullosos de que ella se hubiera dado cuenta de que necesitaba usar el orinal, de que nos lo hubiera comunicado y de que, en efecto, hubiera procedido a hacer sus necesidades, ¡y todo eso antes de cumplir 18 meses de edad!

Antes de que Ziva fuera parte de nuestras vidas, siempre me resultaba gracioso escuchar de parte de mis amigos y familiares que, cuando te conviertes en padre, tu vida cambia radicalmente. “Tienes que estar atento las 24 horas de los 7 días de la semana”, me decían. “Sin importar qué tan tarde se hayan dormido la noche anterior, tu hijo se despertará sí o sí a las 7 de la mañana, listo para jugar”. Insistían en que era la experiencia más extenuante pero gratificante de sus vidas. Confieso, con toda honestidad, que nunca entendí realmente lo que quería decir eso hasta que nació Ziva. Que Ziva sea parte de nuestras vidas es, sin lugar a duda, extenuante, sobre todo ahora que camina y corre por todos lados. Todo le llama la atención y parece tener una fuente inagotable de energía. Pero no lo cambiaría por nada en el mundo. Prefiero sentirme exhausto y tener a Ziva que estar bien descansado y no tenerla. Ella es realmente la mayor bendición que mi esposa y yo podríamos haber recibido. Es indescriptible lo impresionante que ha sido observarla atravesar sus primeras semanas de vida, verla darse vuelta por primera vez, gatear y aprender a caminar. Recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer cuando dio cinco pasos y nosotros celebramos y lloramos. Al día siguiente fueron 10 pasos. Antes de que nos diéramos cuenta, nuestra niña ya andaba por todos lados, corriendo y riéndose. Hoy

No me alcanzan las palabras para describir lo orgulloso que me sentí de ser su papá en ese momento. ¡Estaba eufórico!

Es increíble que Ziva sea parte de nuestras vidas. Agradezco infinitamente que se me haya permitido ser su papá. Ya ha

aprendido a dar abrazos y besos, y cada día que paso con mi hija es una bendición. Gracias, Ziva, por convertirme en papá. A todos los padres que lean esto, ¡feliz Día del Padre! -Louis Bernardo Berk

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El Poder De Los Cachorritos Está Demostrado Científicamente ¿De qué modo las imágenes tiernas afectan la mente?

“Kawaii” es una palabra japonesa que significa “tierno”, lo que parecería alterar nuestro cerebro más de lo que pensamos. En el estudio El poder de Kawaii, la Universidad de Hiroshima investigó los efectos de ver imágenes de animales tiernos, y lo que descubrieron fue impactante. Los investigadores descubrieron que estos animales adorables pueden ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra concentración, especialmente en tareas que requieren atención a los detalles. Los participantes que vieron imágenes de cachorritos y gatitos pudieron lograr tareas con mayor cuidado y atención que aquellos que vieron otras imágenes. ¿De qué modo se midió la concentración, y por qué animales tiernos? ¿Qué método se usó en el experimento inicial? En el primer experimento, los investigadores dividieron en dos a un grupo de 48

participantes e hicieron que cada persona jugara un juego de cirugía similar a “Operación”. Con pequeñas pinzas de brucelas, los participantes debían sujetar pequeños objetos sin tocar los bordes. Al final, un grupo observó imágenes de cachorritos y gatitos, mientras que el otro miró imágenes de perros y gatos adultos. Luego de ver las imágenes, ambos grupos volvieron al juego. ¿El resultado? El primer grupo mostró una mejora significativa al jugar. Encararon el juego de forma más deliberada y lenta a fin de remover los objetos sin tocar los bordes. Entretanto, el segundo grupo no mostró diferencias en su desempeño. ¿Por qué nos afectan las imágenes tiernas? Tras efectuar otros experimentos con mayor dificultad, los investigadores llegaron a la conclusión de que los animales tiernos tienen un impacto notable en nuestros

cerebros. Los participantes mostraban mayores niveles de atención, concentración y minuciosidad, tanto mental como conductualmente. La razón podría ser que ver animales bebés despierta nuestro lado maternal y, a su vez, nos vuelve más cuidadosos y alerta. Detectamos que algo necesita protección, cuidado y atención. A nivel subconsciente, probablemente usted se vuelva más cuidadoso al pensar y actuar tras si antes ve imágenes de animales bebés. Por eso, la próxima vez que usted tenga que hacer algo tedioso o que requiera mucha atención a los detalles, prepárese viendo imágenes de cachorritos y gatitos tiernos para asegurarse de hacer bien el trabajo.


• 2 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel • 3.5 oz de queso de cabra compacto • 1 cucharadita de hojas frescas de tomillo, y 2 o 3 ramitas

• 4 piezas de tocino cortado en rodajas finas • Aceite de oliva • 2 calabacines, cortado en rodajas finas • 1 tomate grande, cortado en rodajas finas

Instrucciones 1. Precalentar el horno a 375 °F. 2. Divida las pechugas de pollo casi por la mitad a lo largo del lado largo, ábralas como un libro y aplane los lados. 3. Ponga el queso de cabra en el lado del “libro abierto” del pollo y espolvoree con las hojas de tomillo. Doble el pollo para encerrar el queso y envuelva cada pechuga en 2 rebanadas de tocino. 4. Engrase ligeramente una fuente poco profunda para gratinar o una cacerola, coloque filas superpuestas de calabacín y tomate en el fondo. Rocíe con aceite de oliva, sazone con sal y pimienta y coloque el pollo encima. Ponga ramitas de tomillo sobre el pollo. 5. Ponga en el horno durante 40–45 minutos hasta que el tocino esté crujiente y dorado y el calabacín esté tierno.


Y TOMILLO Inspirado por BBCGoodFood.com

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