35 | أخلاق العائلية ومستقبل الديمقراطية في العالم العربي
والحـال أن بحـث المسـألة فـي هـذا المسـلك يقـع خـارج سـياق هـذه الدراسـة. المراجـــع )Baruch Spinoza( قصـد بــ “الكوناتـوس» بالمعنـى اللاتينـي الجهـد المبـذول. وقـد اسـتعمله بـاروخ سـبينوزا ُ * ي فـه الباحثـان َّ فـي فلسـفته للدلالـة علـى الجهـد المبـذول قصـد الحفـاظ علـى الـذات وضمـان اسـتمرارها. وقـد وظ )، أي ن ـزوع النخ ـب الاجتماعي ـة نحـو الحف ـاظ عل ـى Pierre Bourdieu( بالمعن ـى ال ـذي يخصـه ب ـه بيي ـر بوردي ـو مراتبهـا ورصيدهـا مـن الرسـاميل الاجتماعيـة الثمينـة. (1) Bourdieu, P. Practical Reason: On the theory of Action, (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1998), p. 19. (2)Rawls, J. A. theory of justice, (Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1999). (3) Banfield, E. C. The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, (The Free Press, New York, 1958). (4) Gregg, G. S. Middle East, A cultural psychology, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005). (5) Joseph, S. “The Family as Security and Bondage: A Political Strategy of the Lebanese Urban Working Class”, in Helen, S (ed.) Towards a Political Economy of Urbanization in Third World Coun- tries, (Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1982), pp. 151-171. (6) Joseph, S. (ed). Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East, (Syracuse University Press, New York, 2000). (7) Geertz, H. “The meaning of family ties” in Geertz, C et al (eds), Meaning and order in Moroccan society: Three essays in cultural analysis, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1979). (8) Hardy, G. L’ â me marocaine à partir de la litt é rature fran ç aise, (Bulletin de l’enseignement public, Gallica, 1926), p. 25. (9) Leca, J & Schemeil, Y., “Client é lisme et Patrimonialisme dans le Monde Arabe”, International political Review, (Vol. 4, N. 4, 1983), pp. 455-495 (10) Welzel, C. “Individual Modernity”, in Dalton, R & Klingemann, H-D (eds) The Oxford Handbook of political Behavior, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007), pp. 185-204. (11) Khuri, F. Tents and pyramids: Games and Ideology in Arab culture from backgammon to auto- cratic rule, (Saqi, London, 1990), pp. 11-12. (12) Schwartz, S. H. “Basic human values: their content and structure across countries”, in Tamayo,
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