This again shows that the heart of man is desperately wicked! Q. San Diego, Calif. "Where did Satan and his angels go when Cod threw them out of heaven?" A. The career of Satan is quite fully indicated in the Bible. He is the arch enemy of the Almighty and seeks to keep man from the free dom he can ony find in Christ. The very word "Satan" in Scripture, means "the opposer." When he was cast out of heaven by God, the devil took a number of the angels with him. They were thrown out of the third heaven, "where the throne of God is," into the second heaven (Ephesians 6:12). Hebrews 13:1 tells us that Christ's angels are also ministering on earth to the saints. The "good" angels are not only in heaven worshipping God, but also are on earth, protecting those who have placed their trust in the Lord. Some of those who followed Satan are in the second heaven, some on earth, and some kept under bonds until the time of the judgment (Jude 6). Satan's final downfall is shown in Revela tion 12:7-9, and Revelation 20. When the devil is cast out of the second heaven this is what makes the Tribulation such a serious and devastating period. His final des tination will be the lake of fire. Q. Colorado Springs, Colo. "Was there anything prophetically signif icant about President Nixon's trip to China?" A. No, we do not believe that there was anything specifically. We know, however, that on a general scale everything is working together, pointing toward the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
His brightness will destroy human life for a thousand years. Will you please clear up the confusion this teaching has brought to my mind?" A. There is no wonder you are con fused if you hold any counsel with a view of this type. The Millennium, the word which describes our Lord's earthly kingdom, will be one of beauty on the earth and not destruction. In the middle of the Tribulation, referring to I Corinthi ans 15:52, they identify "the last trump" with the last of the trumpet judgments found in Revelation 9. There is no indication that the two trumpets are in any way related or deal with events in the same pe riod of time. The trumpet is used in Scripture as a pronouncement. It was sounded to call the people to attention for something signifi cant. I Thessalonians 1:10 distinctly states that the Church will not go through any part of the Tribulation. This judgment of the Lord is upon a Cod-hating, Christ-rejecting world. It is not a judgment of Chris tians. The Church is out of the way, with Christ in the heavenlies, at the marriage feast of the Lamb, while these judgments take place on the earth. No, when Christ comes at the end of the Tribula tion His brightness will not de stroy human life for a thousand years. Just the opposite will be true. The Saviour will rule and righteousness will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. It is after the thousand years of the beneficent reign of Christ on earth, when Satan is loosed (Revelation 20), that some people will turn their hearts from Him and will fol low Satan. Fire comes down from God out of heaven devouring and destroying all the insurrectionists.
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