Biola Broadcaster - 1972-09

priest represents the people before Cod. And the king is one who has rulership over the people. So Jesus Christ will and has fulfilled the prophet and priestly aspect of His work. He will fulfill the Kingship of His work coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in an imminent hour. Also, do not overlook verse 18. While the provision of salvation is made for everyone in the world, not everyone will find eternal life. The reason is that they must be­ lieve to be saved. It is entirely a personal transaction between you and the Lord. The next time Christ comes it will be to condemn the world. He will judge in righteous­ ness and holiness. All the unsaved of every generation are going to stand before Him at the Great White Throne Judgment. He will even condemn the material world because it must be cleansed and purified. Its renovation will be by fire (II Peter 3). Then will come the new heaven and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness forever and forever. Q. Tujunga, Calif. "Do non-Chris­ tians in any sense become unified with believers if they partake of communion? On the basis of I Corinthians 10:16-21 do you think Christians present should abstain if there are those involved who do not know the Lord?" A. Communion does not change one's eternal destiny. It is an ordi­ nance of the church in which be­ lievers would want to participate with others of like precious faith. It is a wise pastor who takes the time, before serving the Lord's Supper, to explain the significance of Communion. The tasting of the


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