Biola Broadcaster - 1972-09

juice and the eating of the bread can never "unify" an unbeliever to the fellowship. That can only come through a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, the Bible gives a clear warning to those who would partake without first having a per­ sonal relationship to the Saviour. It is the operation of the Spirit of Cod, who indwells all believers, that unifies us. Communion is a creed, a memorial feast which the Beloved gave only to us. There is no religious body in the world to whom this occasion belongs ex­ cept and exclusively to believers in Christ. As to the second part of your question, non-Christians can par­ take both intentionally and unin­ tentionally. It is a matter for which they will have to answer, but it should not cause us to abstain. Why should the Lord Jesus Christ not be remembered by us because someone else does it wrongly? This calls for us being all the more cir­ cumspect that we might live worth­ ily of the Lord. Q. San Gregorio, Calif. "What does it mean in Romans 8:28 when we have the phrase 'called according to His purpose'?" A. This is one of the most blessed verses in all of Scripture. How many have found comfort, strength and encouragement as a result of it. Notice the importance of that little word "all." The point is that for those who have placed their confi­ dence in Christ all things are work­ ing together for good. How differ­ ent for those who know not the Saviour. For them all things are working together for their con­ demnation. Cod has a plan and


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