Cain's family to marry. Is there any evidence for this Scripturally or otherwise?" A. There is no Biblical indication of this whatsoever. The Word of God does refer to created, spirit intelligences who, along with Sa tan, followed him to their final evil end. Some of them are now free to move as they wish. Others are definitely under bondage. Cain's wife apparently came from among the daughters of his parents (Gen esis 5:4). All the human family came originally from Adam and Eve. This can be the only accurate and logical way (Romans 5:12). Q. San Francisco, Calif. "A Sunday School teacher in my area is telling people that the days of creation are really long ages since a thou sand years is as a day to God. Can she be right?" A. The quotation from Psalms is given to us in II Peter 3:8. This simply means that so far as God is concerned time, as we know it, does not exist. He is the ever pres ent One. As to the actual length of the days of creation, good con servative scholarship is divided. Generally, we would hold to the view of literal 24 hour days, how ever, there are good arguments to indicate eons of time to be con sidered. The Word of God does not give us specific knowledge of this point. Our desire here at Biola is to teach the Word of God not as some suppose it but as we believe God has revealed it to mankind. There are discussions on some of these technicalities but the over riding principle is the fact that God created man in His own image rath er than through the process of time Page 15
purpose for each Christian. "Called according to His purpose" is sim ply saying to the Christian that our lives are being motivated and car ried out by Cod even though some times we are led in the dark places and into periods of great testing. All the activities faced in life have a purpose for our spiritual devel opment and maturity. The supreme purpose of every experience a child of Cod passes through is for the glory of the Lord. Q. Spirit Lake, Ida. "To whom does the word 'nations' refer to in the 20th to the 22nd chapters of Rev elation? Also in 22:2 why should any healing be necessary in the Holy City?" A. Gentiles is the Latin word in English which means "nation." From the context of the chapters about which you have asked the reference is to Godly nations. They will be not only in the earthly reign of Christ but also in heaven. The residential place of the church dur ing the millennium will be heaven and the residential place of godly Gentiles and godly Israelites will be on earth. The New Jerusalem will be a midway meeting place between the two (Revelations 21:2). Our listener is basically asking if there will be sickness during Christ's earthly reign. The answer is that the leaves of the tree are not to heal the nations physically but, as the translations indicate, it means for the continued well be ing and health of the nations. For believers there will be no sickness during the millennium. Q. Los Angeles, Calif."/ have heard that God created another race for
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