ity, the blessed Spirit Himself. Con sequently this should cause us to have a real incentive to holiness, purity, and high morality. Paul then pronounces a very def inite warning, "If any man defile the shrine of God, him shall God destroy, for the shrine of God is holy whose shrine you are" (vs. 17). The word "destroy" is very inter esting for it does not refer to our salvation. This has in mind our ser vice. If we were to use the modern day speech, it would run something like this, "If any man defile the shrine of God, him will God put out of business." That means He will make our witness ineffective. If our life is a lie to our lips then the world will immediately see that we are phonies. How can you ful fill God's mission if you do not live according to the Gospel? How will people believe what you have to say if you do not live what you declare? You see, it is a serious business to live for the Lord. Per haps one reason we do not make a greater impact on the world is simply because we are not demon strating in our own personal lives "the power of God unto salvation." Sometime ago I was speaking to a group of hippies. One of them asked, "Dr. Keiper, can you indi cate to us that the Bible is really true?" When they wanted proof, they were somewhat startled when I said, "You are the evidence your self." Then I quoted Romans 1:18- 32 which gives an analysis of man's condition. One of them remarked, "If we are the credentials of man's ruin, who would you say is a living credential of Christ's remedy?" I wonder, are you a credential of Christ's remedy? How about the people who surround you? They
church is not an institution or an organization. It is really a living, vibrant fellowship of those who love Christ. The Apostle declares, "We are laborers together with God." Our common goal should be to the glory of God. The type of work to be done is explained further, "Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building" (vs. 93. Husbandry is an old English word. In modern speech we might say, "You are God's cultivated field." It is interesting that Paul should refer to the Corinthian church as God's harvest area. As far as their conduct they were a far cry from this. They were im moral, always in rivalry, and gen erally living in a spiritual "dump." The other word refers to a specific building which they were to have been. In actuality, instead of being monuments of sovereign grace they took on just the reverse character istics. Looking at their lives they appeared more like a slum. Paul could have rebuked them severely. He would have been factual had he declared, "You are absolutely unworthy to be saved!" Instead, he calls them back to the high posi tion for which they were intended. They were to display to the world the fruit of the Holy Spirit. They were to be God's building, His dwelling place on earth (Ephesians 2:14-22). Then, Paul uses another figure of speech. In addition, we are to be God's temple (I Corinthians 3:16, 17). What is referred to here is being the Lord's shrine in which the Holy Spirit dwells. Holiness cannot exist in a garbage heap. Our bodies are to become the tab ernacle of God. Resident within us is the third person of the holy Trin
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