Doug Nixon (r.) a student at Talbot Seminary, during a performance of the evangelistic play, Revolt at the Portals. The Drama Team traveled exten sively in South Africa this summer presenting this play.
Let me ask you, are you growing in grace? In the depths of your heart do you realize that you are just carnal, a victim of voluntary paralysis? To think that you would cause anguish to the heart of God. The Lord grant that if such be the case you will not follow the Cor inthians but rather will seek His strength for our need that together we may grow in grace (II Peter 3:18). A MISERABLE COMMERCIAL Having a high position to live for Christ, it is sad to see how many abdicate Cod's calling and perfect will for their lives (I Corinthians 15:58). In addition to Talbot Sem inary, Biola College has various
living death. The tragedy was that here was an involuntary paralysis. The little girl could not help her self. The church at Corinth, how ever, could have grown if it would have. Consider the anguish of the heart of Cod when He sees His children who have everything in their favor refusing to grow in His grace and knowledge. Paul sor rowed, "I want to give you meat but you only can take milk. I want to treat you as spiritual and you are only carnal. Instead of coming to gether and loving the Lord, you would rather fight one another." They wanted to have their own way rather than honoring the rights of Him who saved us by His grace.
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