Biola Broadcaster - 1972-09

see our lives confirm the words of our lips. Only then will they be­ lieve what we say to them. This is the way to have an impact on those who know not the Saviour. Live in your position as monuments to His grace, as shrines to the Spirit, as fields that have been cultivated by God's love. LIVING A D ISCOUN T LIFE As believers we do have an awe­ some responsibility to pattern our lives after that of our blessed Lord. I used to think that when a person accepted the Lord everything would be "rosy" and perfect. My experience proved to be just the opposite. Have you been disillu­ sioned at this point? II Corinthians 5:17 lets us know that we can be "new creatures" in Christ. External things do not change. They remain as they were before we came to know the Lord. I came to know the Lord when I was a senior in high school. It was April 1. Before going to the Gos­ pel meeting where I came to know the Lord, I had attended my geom­ etry class in high school. I disliked the teacher very intensely. (It may really be because I disliked geom­ etry.) This was on a Thursday. Fri­ day morning I went back to high school and unfortunately she was still there. She did not pass away. During that time I had a job that was rather boring. After accepting the Lord I still had to do this job. It did not change, it was still tedious. I had some responsibilities I had to carry out. After I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour, the chores were still there. They had to be done. This confused me because I thought after my decision every­ thing would be just perfect. Fortun- Page 25

"He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me."

Sometimes I do not think we fully appreciate our salvation. While we may have accepted the Lord verbally we are not living fully for Him experiencially. Once I was a tourist-visitor to Sing Sing Prison in New York. I had to wait until electric switches were thrown un­ locking the door. As we were wait­ ing, across the yard on our left, another door was opened. It was not an entrance but an exit. Sud­ denly a man came through into the yard where we were standing. He began to shout, "Hallelujah, I am free, I am free, I am free, I am free!" How did he know he was free? Well, he knew firsthand what it meant to be a prisoner and expe­ rience confinement. He was free not only verbally but also actually. This is what our position can and should be. We have been made free to live pleasing unto our blessed Lord (Psalm 19:14). Spiritual wisdom differs from the wisdom of the world in that it has a moral content. That which is earth­ ly may have great knowledge but it does not have morality (I Corin­ thians 1:18-30). Spiritual wisdom is always on the level. It always keeps in mind the service of Cod with the knowledge that we are free to do His will. The reason for this is that we have been recreated (II Corinthians 5:17). In our conduct we are to make visible to the world that we are Cod's righteous people. This is our calling. They want to

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