I Corinthians
they are possible. Nothing can in terfere with my positional standing before the Lord. There is also the other side to consider very carefully. We must realize that there are some limita tions, too. There is only one way for me to move from the unright eous category to the righteous category. That is not by cleaning myself up or by trying to change my behavioral patterns. To be washed in the blood of Christ is the only thing that makes the dif ference. There are a lot of good upright moral people in the world, however, only acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour can give the ful fillment of everlasting life. Our freedom in Christ is ex pected to be personally limited as is suggested in I Corinthians 6:12. First of all, all things are not exped
ient. The focus in this chapter is upon our relationship with Cod. Things we do will ultimately be tempered by our love for Him. The Creek word for "expedient" speaks of relationships and of bringing together certain elements for im provement. If you have ever baked a cake you can sense the idea here as various ingredients are com bined to bring forth the desired results. As a man you may have mixed sand, gravel, cement and water together. These things work in harmony to form concrete. So Paul is saying, "Even though all things are possible because of the tremendous freedom in Christ I still must remember that all things do not mix well together." The Apostle could have lived as poorly as those who were pro fessed believers at Corinth. The Page 35
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