Biola Broadcaster - 1972-09

who grew up in the forties were unusually exemplary people sim­ ply because they had "butch" cuts. We want to be extremely careful that we do not tie spirituality to appearance, especially on such a flimsy basis as hair length. Why then do we have standards at Biola? Because we feel some people are more interested in outward ap­ pearance. We do not want to alien­ ate any who may not know Christ when it is really not an important issue. We want to reach these peo­ ple as effectively as we can. I fer­ vently hope the day will soon come when Christians can be far more concerned about more significant issues, rather than being "hung up" on cultural illustrations really not applicable to our day. Let us pray God will give us wisdom to serve Him even more effectively.

emphasizes, is to edify our broth­ ers in Christ. "Submerge self and serve others" is the practical ex­ hortation. Biola has hair requirements for our men students. It is not a ques­ tion of spirituality. It is a matter of identification with cultural stand­ ards. As Christians we should want to be as inoffensive as possible and still maintain an effective ministry to those all about us with a spir­ itual need. Several years now down the road has removed the stigma that beards or long hair is neces­ sarily a sign of rebellion. Through­ out history, when real long hair was in vogue it did not necessarily have anything whatsoever to do with rebellion. If anything, it spoke of masculinity. Nor could we say that the very short-haired people

Biota's TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE January 28 - February 2

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