Biola Broadcaster - 1972-09

render His final answer to the war­ ring and defiant peoples of the world, He will establish His King and rule there as a center of right­ eous government for the whole globe, and He will vindicate every promise and prediction He has made for the glory of the earth. On the Mount of Olives in Jeru­ salem (Zech. 14:1-5) God will send back the Vindicator of His will and plan for earth and its population. The land is truly unique, its Lord is unique, and the record of it all— the Bible— is unique. They are in­ separable. The devout soul, longing for the consummation of all earth's history, prays with the Apostle John, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

very insignificant spot on earth, as men reckon greatness and small­ ness, God in Christ performed the greatest redemptive act ever con­ ceived by deity, which to this hour has baffled all humanity, redeemed and unredeemed. How can the soil of this land and the city of Jerusa­ lem, outside whose walls He died on Calvary, ever be less than prec­ ious and all-important to the fol­ lower of Christ, who prizes his salvation above earthly possession and privilege? Yet again, the land is more. It is the land of prophecy. If the Bible conveys any message at all, it is that man, having disobeyed God and rebelled against the moral govern­ ment of the universe, has followed an estranged and abnormalistic path throughout history. Shakes­ peare put it all too mildly when he complained that something was rotten in the state of Denmark. Much is rotten in every state in the world. At times man has con­ tended, and never more loudly than in our generation, that the world and its course have neither rhyme nor reason. To them life at its best is a tragedy and at its worst a hor­ rible mistake. But the Scriptures present an entirely different pic­ ture. They reveal that iniquity, so rife and rampant, is to run its course. It will culminate in hideous and sinister personages in the end time. The nations of the world will vent their malice and greed against the land of promise. Here the anti- Cod forces of the universe, both men and nations, will converge for the denouement of history. Civili­ zation has indeed been moving ever westward for centuries, but it will find its culmination in the land of promise. At that place Cod will

Charles Lee Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D.

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