The Mutuality
ROBERT L. SAUCY, Th.D. Professor of Systematic Theology Talbot Seminary
A concept which is slowly gain ing attention in the church today is the ministry of all believers. Through new concern with the Pauline body metaphor of the church and the equipping of all the members with gifts by the Holy Spirit, the idea of a universal and mutual ministry is being increas ingly stimulated. If the New Testa ment pattern of church life is our motto, this development must be welcomed and encouraged. In sharp distinction to the offic ial priesthood which existed in the
Old Testament theocracy of Israel to mediate between Cod and His people, and significantly also with in pagan religions, the church of the New Testament is totally a priesthood in Christ their High Priest (I Peter 2:9). There is no longer a sacred office of the sanc tuary which distinguished some members from others for all are priests called to minister. Any lan guage reminiscent of the sacrifice and service of the Old Testament now belongs to every member (cf. Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:10, 15-
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