The Cygnet 10th January 2025


A new calendar year brings with in a new series of Leviathan for you all to enjoy. Last term, ten challengers went on to defeat the beast in the final week. Will that number increase this term? Only time will tell, but I know that a good number of those who fell short of the mark last time are in a determined mood to improve this term. For those who might not have participated in the past, a series of questions will be posted here in the Cygnet on a weekly basis for you to research the answers to (eight for pupils in Upper school, and four for those in Middle school). At the end of the term, there will then be the opportunity for individuals to test themselves against the mighty beast that this Leviathan quiz will have become by attempting to recall as many of the answers as possible. For those who are successful comes the award of House points and a badge that shows off how many times they have successfully conquered the quiz (Jago G-I and Sophie L were our first recipients of a purple circle last term to denote five victories). Forms will also pit themselves against the Leviathan in a team competition, working together to match up questions and answers faster than the other forms. Last term's victors were 4NP in Middle school and 8AR in Upper school. Will they be the fastest forms again in March? We shall have to wait and see.

So, without further ado, here are this week's questions.

Upper School 1. In which ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located? 2. Which author created the fictional Emerald City? 3. What is the name of the closest star to Earth (other than the Sun)? 4. In artistic terms, what is a fresco? 5. Which war is believed to be the shortest in recorded history? 6. And how long did it last? 7. What part of the plant is a potato? 8. Who wrote down the words of Auld Lang Syne? Middle School 1. What part of the plant is a potato? 2. Who wrote down the words of Auld Lang Syne? 3. What is the speed limit for a car on a motorway in Britain? 4. What is a baby whale called?

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