The Cygnet 10th January 2025


This week in... RECEPTION

TOPIC: This week, we have been celebrating the New Year. We have been learning about New Year’s resolutions and talking about the things we would like to do in the coming year, for example, I want to try my best at school, I want to be a kind friend, I want to be a better listener. We listened to a story called Squirrel's New Year’s Resolution. Click here, if you would like to listen at home.

PHONICS: We have been consolidating all the sounds we have learnt so far in Reception, and we learnt the new Tricky Word ‘her’. We are so impressed with how confident and enthusiastic the children have been in using and applying their Phonics knowledge!

MATHS: The children have been focussing on counting up to 8 objects and showing them using concrete representations, including counters in a ten frame.

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