This week in... YEAR 1
Topic: We have introduced our new topic, ‘Our Wonderful World’, by sharing lots of non-fiction books, looking at globes and atlases and using maps to locate continents and oceans. The children loved learning a catchy song to help them remember these! We have carefully located the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom. Can you remember these?
Literacy: This term, we will be sharing stories from all around Our Wonderful World! The children have loved listening to and joining in with the repetition in our class story book this week, which is, ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’. The children worked collaboratively to sequence the story and write simple captions to re-tell the story.
Maths: We have begun a new unit, focusing on counting to twenty. The children have used concrete resources to practise counting carefully by adding and taking away counters from a tens frame. We have continued to practise using a number-line to add two numbers together to find a total. Count how many yellow objects you can find in your home. Now add how many blue objects you can find. Can you write this as a number sentence?
The children have all worked so hard, returning to Phonics lessons this week. We have been busy reading and writing, practising our Set 2 and Set 3 sounds to spell carefully! Well done!
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