Medlin Law Firm - October 2022

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The Medlin News


It Only Took 15 Minutes For My Coach to Impact My Life

When I was a little boy, I played Little League baseball. At first, I was terrible at it, but one of my coaches went out of his way to help me. He left a lasting impression on me — not only on the field but in my personal life. I was a catcher when I first started playing baseball. My friends and I wanted that position because it was called hind, and it reminded us of the word “heinie” — we would all giggle at that. But I didn’t have a catcher’s mitt, and I quickly learned how painful it was to catch baseballs without the proper tools. You would think I would learn my lesson, but it took another incident for me to decide I wanted to play another position. One day, my coach had me warm up without a mask. So, when I went to catch the ball, the ball hit the tip of my glove and beamed me in the forehead. That’s when I decided that being a catcher wasn’t for me. So, I began playing in the outfield. But I was terrible at that, too! I couldn’t catch the ball in the left field at all. That’s when I started playing the right field because most of the players at bat were right-handed, so the balls would go left. I hardly had to worry about catching balls, but I wasn’t enjoying the game. But it all changed in my third year of playing.

During that year, I had a new baseball coach who was wonderful. He noticed me struggling to catch fly balls, so he spent 15 minutes with me and provided tips on how I could improve. One of the strategies that helped me was anticipating how hard or soft a batter would hit the ball and watching where the ball was going in the field. After he practiced with me and helped me get the movement down, I began catching fly balls! With his guidance and some practice, I went from being a hindrance and detriment to my team to a valuable asset. I went from being anxious about playing baseball to loving and enjoying the game. As I got older, I continued to play and made some awesome catches in my day. I even got to play for a team that won a championship. None of this would’ve been possible without my coach. He saw I had potential and helped me find it myself. His coaching has impacted me for years — even up to this day. Because of my coach, I now go out of my way to help my colleagues if they’re struggling. I will slow things down and take a few minutes to hear about their issues, then offer solutions to the problem. I will also take additional time on my clients’ cases to ensure we get a great result.

Sometimes taking that additional time will vastly improve your outcome. If it weren’t for my coach, I wouldn’t understand how impactful it can be to spend just a few minutes with someone to help them understand a skill. But after my experience, I knew taking 15 minutes out of your day to help someone can leave an impression that will last a lifetime. You never know whom you will inspire in your life, so take the initiative and assist those who may need a little push to reach their fullest potential.

– Gary L. Medlin, Esq. | Pg. 1


So They Actually Taste Good

If you’re like us, you get pretty excited when fresh fruit and vegetables go on sale. It means you can buy the good stuff and really stock up! Then you can freeze those extra berries for your smoothies and that broccoli for your stir-fry. This is a great money-saving strategy, but if you’ve done it before, you know freezing fruits and vegetables isn’t as easy as it seems. If you don’t do it right, you can end up with clumps of flavorless, stuck-together produce destined for the trash! It doesn’t have to be that way. Next time you’re freezing fruit or vegetables post-sale, use these two hacks to get flavorful, easy-to-cook results every time.

1. Break out the cookie sheet. Berries for smoothies and apple slices for pie tend to stick together when you freeze them, which turns them into one giant lump you have to hack apart to steal a serving. To avoid this, break out a cookie sheet after you’ve washed and sliced your fruit. Spread the pieces or berries out on the sheet and pop the whole thing in the freezer for a few hours or even overnight. When the fruit is frozen, pour it into a glass jar or freezer bag. Thanks to the initial freeze, nothing will stick together. You can pour a serving into your oatmeal or scoop it with a measuring cup hassle-free. For more kitchen hacks like this, follow @zerowastechef on Instagram.

2. Blanch, blanch, baby! Vegetables lose their crisp texture, bright color, and tasty flavor over time, even in the freezer — but you can hit the pause button on that process by blanching your veggies before you freeze them! Blanching is really simple: All you have to do is boil the vegetables for a short time, dunk them in an ice bath, and drain the water before freezing. (The University of Minnesota Extension has a great blanching guide listing times for each vegetable. Just search “University of Minnesota Blanching” online to find it.) You can combine these two hacks for fruits and veggies to ensure they’re tasty and easy to cook with every time.



Police and Texas officials take driving under the influence (DWI) charges very seriously — especially if you have a minor in the car. In a legal sense, minors are individuals who are 17 years old or younger, but when dealing with DWIs with minors in the vehicle, a “child passenger” is a passenger who is younger than 15 years old. Receiving a DWI charge while having a child in your car carries serious consequences. What are the penalties? Typically, a DWI usually isn’t considered a felony. However, when you’re drinking and driving with a child in the car, it carries its own charge — an automatic state jail felony. You could also face up to a 180-day suspension of your driving privileges, up to $10,000 in fines, and a $1,000–$2,000 surcharge fee to retain your driver’s license. The penalties continue to get worse if you’re a repeat offender. A second DWI charge will always have steeper consequences, but you could face child endangerment penalties with a child in the car. If Child Protective Services

decides you were endangering your child, they can remove them from your custody.

Can a DWI be dismissed? A DWI charge can be dismissed in a few circumstances:

The officer didn’t have reasonable suspicion to stop you. The officer’s body camera video doesn’t match the narrative presented in court. Your blood alcohol content (BAC) test was mishandled. During your arrest, the officer violated your rights.

To get a DWI case dismissed, you need a great lawyer. Most dismissals are only achievable with an attorney who is smart and aggressive. If you or a loved one is facing a DWI charge of any kind, allow Medlin Law Firm to assist you. We are experienced attorneys who know what to look for and how to strengthen your case and defend your freedom. | Pg. 2


Creamy Parmesan Orecchiette 3. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is when you’re paying full attention to the present moment. The practice can also help you become more aware of your fears. You first want to identify your behavior and symptoms that help you identify when 2. Positively use your imagination. An active imagination can be both helpful and harmful. For example, if you fear something, your imagination can heighten it and make it seem much worse than it actually is. So, instead of letting your imagination run wild down the wrong path, use it as a tool to overcome them. When you’re calm and relaxed, think of a situation that causes you fear; immerse yourself in this idea, but imagine that you handle the situation peacefully without any hiccups or stress. As we approach Halloween, now is a great time to discuss fears. Some fears can help protect us in some situations, but some can hinder us. You may limit yourself and your abilities if fear and anxiety consume you. Here are four strategies you can use to help you overcome your fears. 1. Learn more about your fears. The first step is always the hardest, but it’s necessary. To overcome your fears, you first need to understand why you’re afraid. You don’t want to suppress your fear in hopes that it will go away — because it won’t. It will only make your fear stronger. But when you face your fear, you begin to see things you haven’t noticed before. This awareness helps you overcome it.

you’re in fear. But instead of trying to stop these fears from occurring, let the thoughts, feelings, and symptoms come over you. Doing this will raise your self-awareness and prevent you from doing things you would typically do to suppress this feeling of fear.

4. Talk about it. Sometimes, talking will help relieve some of the stress you’re feeling. By voicing your thoughts, you may feel better after it’s out in the open. You may even discover solutions as you’re talking. You can either confide in someone you trust who will be a sounding board, or you can speak out loud to yourself. We all have fears and things we are afraid of, but you’re bigger and stronger than they are. With some practice and resources, you can create habits that will enable you to overcome anything that stands in your way.


For pasta: • 16 oz orecchiette • 3 cups cubed butternut squash • 3 cups broccolini • Olive oil • Salt, to taste • Ground black pepper, to taste • Pumpkin seeds

For sauce: • 3 tbsp butter • 2 cloves garlic • 1–2 tsp fresh minced thyme • 3 tbsp flour • 2–3 cups chicken broth • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese • Lemon juice, to taste • Salt, to taste


1. Cook orecchiette according to package directions. 2. On two baking sheets, place veggies. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast at 400 F for 20–30 minutes until tender. 3. In a pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add garlic and thyme, then sauté until soft. Add flour and whisk until smooth. Pour in the chicken broth 1/2 cup at a time, whisking to incorporate. Finish with Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, and salt. 4. Toss everything together. Top generously with pumpkin seeds and Parmesan cheese.

Puzzle Time

Inspired by | Pg. 3

1300 South University Drive Suite 318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 682-499-9222


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1. My Coach Changed My Life in 15 Minutes

2. Are You Freezing Your Produce All Wrong?

CPS Could Get Involved With This Charge

3. Awareness Is the Key

Creamy Parmesan Orecchiette

4. 4 Tips for Being More Mindful


Slow down. Try savoring the process of a task, even if it isn’t your favorite thing to do. Paying deliberate attention to your daily actions and activities, like doing the dishes or even folding laundry, promotes healthy focus and reduces feelings of being overwhelmed.

Have you ever sat down to eat a bowl of ice cream, then looked down a minute or two later to notice you only have one bite left? What about reaching your destination in the car and not recalling one thing about the entire trip? With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s tough to be present 100% of the time, but we shouldn’t let our minds go on autopilot. Not only can this be a safety hazard, but it may also impact important relationships and reduce our enjoyment and satisfaction.

Get moving. Incorporating exercise and movement into your daily routine helps you to become aware of your body’s sensations. You’ll be more appreciative of how your body responds to different stimuli and movements, and this trains you to be more aware of yourself. Practice mindful eating. Do you always eat in front of the television or computer? Try eating without distractions, dine in good company, or pay closer attention to flavors and textures of the meal — it’s good for both your body and soul!

With busy schedules and long to-do lists, how can we be more mindful? Here are four tips to help you embrace the power of now! Use the power of meditation. You don’t need to meditate for a long time, and it certainly doesn’t require special poses or guidance. But taking just five minutes out of your day to focus on your breathing and clear your mind counts as meditation. It can help you to be more aware, present, and productive, especially in times of stress. | Pg. 4

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