The preparation of financial statements requires the use of certain accounting estimates. It also requires the directors to exercise judgement in applying Altura Credit Union Limited’s accounting policies. The areas requiring a higher degree of judgement, or complexity, and areas where assumptions or estimates are most significant to the financial statements are disclosed below: Investments in associates The investments in associates represents investments in Metacu Management Designated Activity Company and in CU Mortgage Service Designated Activity Company. These investments were made for operational purposes. The credit union holds 6.25% Redeemable A Ordinary shares in Metacu Management and 2.53% Ordinary shares in CU Mortgage Services DAC and through the terms of the shareholders agreement agreed between each of the participating credit unions, Altura Credit Union Limited is deemed to have influence over the operations of this company. Therefore they have been accounted for as investments in associates. Impairment losses on loans to members The Credit Union’s accounting policy for impairment of financial assets is set out in its accounting policies. The estimation of loan losses is inherently uncertain and depends upon many factors, including loan loss trends, credit risk characteristics in loan classes, local and international economic climates, conditions in various sectors of the economy to which the Credit Union is exposed, and, other external factors such as legal and regulatory requirements. Credit risk is identified, assessed and measured through the use of rating and scoring tools with emphasis on weeks in arrears and other observable credit risk metrics. The ratings influence the management of individual loans. The credit rating triggers the impairment assessment and if relevant the raising of specific provisions on individual loans where there is doubt about their recoverability. Loan loss provisioning is monitored by the Credit Union, and the Credit Union assesses and approves its provisions and provision adequacy on a quarterly basis. Key assumptions underpinning the Credit Union’s estimates of collective provisions for loans with similar credit risk characteristics, and, Incurred But Not Reported provisions (“IBNR”) are based on the historical experiences of the Credit Union’s allied to the Credit Union’s judgement of relevant conditions in the wider technological, market, economic or legal environment in which the Credit Union operates. If a loan is impaired, the impairment loss is the difference between the carrying amount of the loan and the present value of the expected cash flows discounted at the asset’s original effective interest rate taking account of pledged shares and other security as appropriate. Assumptions are back tested with the benefit of experience. After a period of time, when it is concluded that there is no real prospect of recovery of loans/part of loans which have been subjected to a specific provision, the Credit Union writes off that amount of the loan deemed irrecoverable against the specific provision held against the loan. Pensions Altura Credit Union Limited participates in an industry-wide pension scheme for employees (The Irish League of Credit Unions Republic of Ireland Pension Scheme). This is a funded scheme of the defined benefit type, with assets invested in separate trustee administered funds. Judgement is required to assess whether Altura Credit Union Limited has sufficient information to enable it to account for the plan as a defined benefit plan. An assessment has been performed of the information currently available and Altura Credit Union Limited has determined that there is currently insufficient information available to provide an appropriate allocation of pension assets and liabilities due to the following: • Scheme assets are not segregated or tracked by contributing employers. There is insufficient information to appropriately allocate the assets to individual employers as contributions paid are pooled in a single fund and none of the contributing employers have separately segregated asset pools. • Orphan members are those members (including pensioners) who previously contributed to the scheme where their employer has paid an exit cost and as a result has no further liability to the scheme. A pension liability continues to exist for these individual members. There is uncertainty around where the obligation rests in respect of orphan members currently and into the future. • The Funding Plan calculations are based on each employer’s share of liabilities at a point in time. This does not infer that each employer is contributing towards its liabilities. The determination of the contribution rate is a point in time assessment and is not updated subsequently for changes in the employers’ liability that may occur in the future. Subsequently, as the profile of the scheme continues to change, there will continue to be a natural cross subsidisation. Estimation of useful life and impairment of buildings The charge in respect of periodic depreciation is derived after determining an estimate of an asset's expected useful life and the expected residual value at the end of its life. Increasing an asset's expected life or its residual value would result in a reduced depreciation charge in the income statement. The useful lives of the credit union's assets are determined by management at the time the asset is acquired and reviewed at least annually for appropriateness. The lives are based on historical experience with similar assets as well as anticipation of future events, which may impact their life, such as changes in technology. The buildings in the accounts are valued periodically by an independent third party to ensure that the carrying amount of the buildings are not more than market value.
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