50th Anniversary Book

Powerful People TM

e american pioneer

Peter Ding 2nd Shift Production Set Up

There's bravery that presents itself in big, broad strokes. And then there's the quiet kind that comes from one man’s dream to change his life. Born in Malaysia, Peter watched others struggle with limits on personal freedom. This wasn't the life he wanted. So, he said goodbye to friends and family and set out for America. Today, Peter is married to Maria (another Byrne team member) and they have three kids. He also serves as an elder in a small church. An important leader there, he speaks Tedim, the language of many fellow refugees. For this congregation, he is a point of connection—between what was and what can be. That connection to the past, with an eye on the future, embodies Byrne’s belief in the value of honoring tradition and pioneering change.

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