50th Anniversary Book

Erica Lang Grand Rapids, Michigan 2017 When we asked her to create Byrne’s graphic inspiration for 2017, we invited her to visit Byrne rst and see what we do. After her visit, she told us what struck her about Byrne was a strong sense of interconnectedness. This person helping that person. A shared ecosystem. It reminded her of a story she had heard about trees “communicating” with each other through a common fungal network. These connections allow the trees to support each other—and make the forest stronger as a whole. In her woodcut, roots intertwine like cords, charging and strengthening the whole system. A large sun sits above—the ultimate power button. For Erika, it was all about that connection and the support that comes from an energized community. In design, like so many things, don’t underestimate the power of connection. interconnectedness. This person helping that person. A shared she had heard about trees “communicating” with each other through a common fungal network.

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